À la va-vite -Tomato and chickpea soup with spices and saute tofu
07 years ago
A la va-vite – Soupe de tomates et pois chiches aux épices et tofu sauté
I had to find something quick to make for lunch today, I just had 45 min to prepare and eat my lunch so that was a bit of challenge. For a fast food dish, I can say that this was a well done project. This soup is flavorful, [...]

Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
27 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]

For the little hole – Oatmeal cookies with cashews and dark chocolate
17 years ago
Pour le petit creux – Biscuits à l’avoine, noix de cajou et chocolat noir
This translation from French into English does not work. When we say “j’ai un petit creux” that translates literally into “I have a little hole“, but it means “I have a hole in my stomach“, so that “I am a little hungry“. [...]

Oats and chick pea cakes on saute broccolini and shiitake, asparagus-leek sauce, shredded spinach salad with toasted walnuts
17 years ago
Galettes de pois chiches et avoine sur brocoli rave et shiitake sautés, sauce asperges-poireaux, éffilochée d’épinards aux noix
There is nothing more than traveling that I like, and discovering new cuisines and cultures. It always inspires me and contributes to reaching new levels in my style of [...]

Yams and Brussels sprouts napoleon with herbs and red bell pepper jam
27 years ago
Napoléon de yams et choux de Bruxelles, herbes et confiture de poivrons
Last time I was at my parents’ in France a few weeks ago, I saw this empty jar of a delicious red bell pepper jam I bought during a vacation in Seville. That certainly did bring up some beautiful memories. I remembered [...]

Weird translation – Vegetarian couscous with cauliflower “semoule”
07 years ago
traduction bizarre – couscous végétarien avec semoule de chou fleur
I just realized that I took the pictures and I forgot to add the chick peas…too late!
I love this dish, I wouldn’t have thought I would have loved it so much but the cauliflower “semoule” goes so well with it. There is a little [...]

Polenta cakes with raisin and rum, braised pineapple and pineapple tartare with lime and mint
Gâteaux de polenta aux raisins secs et rhum, ananas braisé et tartare d’ananas au citron vert et menthe
This recipe might seem complicated because it has many steps, but those are easy steps, and it’s a fast recipe too. Last time I was in Nancy, France I had lunch at this new restaurant close [...]

East-West – Zucchini and daikon carpaccio with roasted tomatoes and tarrragon coulis
07 years ago
Carpaccio de courgettes et daikon au coulis de tomates grillées et estragon
I was not sure how this would end up, and did not know if it was worth posting. The funny thing, is that I finished making the carpaccio, and thought let’s not go through the posting process, of writing and editing [...]

Encore vegan – Jeanette of wild mushrooms, cauliflower and garlic-herb paste
07 years ago
Encore vegan – Jeanette tapissée aux herbes et garnie de champignons sauvages et choufleur
I am not sure how to call this…it’s not a pizza, not a tart, not a galette, and not sure it fits into the flat bread category. So I decided to call it a Jeanette. Jeanette is a female’s old fashioned name, [...]

More vegan – Layers of spaghetti squash with vegetables and tofu – polenta cakes with herbes de Provence
Courge spaghetti aux légumes et tofu, galettes de polenta aux herbes de Provence
Spaghetti squash is very versatile, delicious and fun to eat. I would not say it can replace spaghetti because if you are craving spaghetti, eating spaghetti squash will not satisfy you but it’s a light vegetable [...]