Archive for March, 2017

More vegan – Layers of spaghetti squash with vegetables and tofu – polenta cakes with herbes de Provence
Courge spaghetti aux légumes et tofu, galettes de polenta aux herbes de Provence
Spaghetti squash is very versatile, delicious and fun to eat. I would not say it can replace spaghetti because if you are craving spaghetti, eating spaghetti squash will not satisfy you but it’s a light vegetable [...]

As good as it looks – Yams tartine with avocado mash, zucchini tagliatelle and edamame, grey lava salt
07 years ago
Aussi bon que ça en à l’air – Tartine de yam à l’avocat, tagliatelle de courgettes et edamame, sel gris de lave
Time flies and my trip back home is sadly over. As years go by, it’s more difficult to be far away from my friends and family, probably because as you grow older, you realize what the [...]

Grilled tofu and eggplant, brown rice noodles, sauté wild mushrooms, coconut curry émulsion, crispy dulse seaweed
Tofu et aubergines grillées, nouilles de riz brun, champignons sauvages, sauce coco curry
I am going back to my phase of vegan cuisine. Once in a while I just want to eat plants only, it makes me happy. I usually do have an 85% plant based diet, but I want to be 100% plant based for a couple of [...]