Roasted ratatouille with goat yogurt, herb-chili oil and skyr wholewheat flat bread
09 years ago
Ratatouille aux légumes grillés, yaourt de brebis à la menthe, huile d’herbes, et galettes complètes au skyr
That dish just gets me all excited, it’s just an amazing combination that I will make again and again. I don’t think I can never be tired of eating this.
I call this ratatouille even if [...]
The sweet taste of childhood – Pain d’épices or Spicy bread
Douce sensation d’enfance – Pain d’épices
I decided out of the blue one day to make pain d’épices…I think last time I had one slice I must have been 10 years old. What is pain d’épices? Well it’s another one of those traditional French breads or cake that is popular in Alsace region. It’s [...]
Heidi’s starter – Baguette au levain
1113 years ago
Le levain d’Heidi – Baguette au levain
My lovely and adorable acupuncturist, Heidi gave me some starter that is supposedly 250 year old, can you imagine? Maybe Thomas Edison ate bread using the same starter…Heidi is amazing, she is not only a sweet and great doctor but she is an excellent baker. So [...]
Bread or brioche? – Raisin bread with a swirl
1313 years ago
Pain ou brioche? – Pain au raisins en spirale
I reconciled with cinnamon thanks to Rui, my lovely Japanese neighbor. I decided I didn’t like cinnamon after moving to the US, where cinnamon is used in almost every dessert. I think I had a cinnamon overdose and refused to eat anything where I could [...]
In and out Focaccia – Focaccia with green olives, oregano, cherry tomatoes, and ricotta salata
1114 years ago
Focaccia fuori e dentro – Focaccia alle olive con origano, pomodorini e ricotta
Fougasse stuffed with olives is quite a common little bread in France, nothing too original in here, but then I added oregano to the olives inside the dough and topped it with cherry tomatoes and ricotta salata to make [...]
A Simple brioche – One French brioche among others
1014 years ago
Une brioche toute simple, mais si moelleuse – Une brioche parmi tant d’autres
This brioche is simple, quite unpretentious and low-key, light, fluffy but nonetheless very tasty, just like we enjoy to have on some mornings with butter, jam and strong coffee. There are many versions and kinds of [...]
Grandma's secret recipe – Potato crescia with greens and many other things
1314 years ago
La ricetta segreta di Nonna ‘Nita – Crescia di patate con verdura, e tante altre cose
My grandma used to make this crescia when we were kids (my cousins and I) since we were all living together as in a traditional Italian family, and we were just going crazy for it, it was called la crescia colle [...]
Never give up! – Traditional French baguette
Ne laissez jamais tomber! – Baguette traditionnelle
After many unsuccessful attempts to make my beloved baguette, that led to frustrations, I finally managed to make some that made me quite happy. My mom makes bread in a blink of an eye and her bread always turns out delicious, without really any [...]
For the love of bread – Whole wheat country bread with figs
Pour l’amour du pain – Pain complet aux figues
This is one of my mom’s favorites, she made it to eat it with fish terrine for that crazy Jan 1st meal. Seems like she recently got into bread making and so excited to make it for me. I love breads in France, all of them, baguette à l’ancienne, [...]
A "déjà vu" cake – Traditional French gruyère, green olives and ham cake
2815 years ago
Un cake déjà vu – Cake traditionnel au gruyère, olives et jambon
Savory cakes are very popular in France, everyone has its own version and makes them for appetizers with drinks when you have a guests over. You cut them in small bites and pass them along with drinks. Usually, I don’t like to [...]