
For the little hole – Oatmeal cookies with cashews and dark chocolate
17 years ago
Pour le petit creux – Biscuits à l’avoine, noix de cajou et chocolat noir
This translation from French into English does not work. When we say “j’ai un petit creux” that translates literally into “I have a little hole“, but it means “I have a hole in my stomach“, so that “I am a little hungry“. [...]

Polenta cakes with raisin and rum, braised pineapple and pineapple tartare with lime and mint
Gâteaux de polenta aux raisins secs et rhum, ananas braisé et tartare d’ananas au citron vert et menthe
This recipe might seem complicated because it has many steps, but those are easy steps, and it’s a fast recipe too. Last time I was in Nancy, France I had lunch at this new restaurant close [...]

Très mango – Mango papillote three ways
Très mangue – Papillote de mangues trois façons
It’s the season for those gorgeous keitt mangoes, so nothing better that using seasonal fruits. They only last for a couple of months so don’t miss on that. You will recognize them because they’re very large, and whose skin remains green even when [...]

Blanc-manger with almond milk, peach-apricot compte and grilled apricot
Blanc-manger au lait d’amandes, compote de pêches-abricot et abricots grillés
This fits in the category “entremet” in France.
Entremet literally means “entre“= between and “met“= meal. In the 17e century, it refers to a meal that is served after roastbeef, and before dessert. It evolved from a [...]

Banana cake with oats and oat brans
08 years ago
Quand on a envie de banane! – Cake à la banane et flocons d’avoine
I think I am getting into a “oat phase” these days. I try to put oats and oat bran wherever I can. Oat bran, oat flour, rolled oats, anything oat makes me happy, besides I love my fibers. I had bought too many bananas (I forgot I [...]

The magic powder – Matcha jelly with adzuki bean paste and vanilla ice cream
La poudre magique – Gelée de thé matcha à la pâte de haricots noirs et glace vanille
Even though I do not have a sweet tooth at all and rarely eat desserts, while in Japan, I got hooked on their matcha desserts, especially in Kyoto which is the capital of matcha sweets. Japanese desserts are [...]

Oats, pear and almond muffins
08 years ago
Muffins à l’avoine, poires et amandes
Usually for breakfast I like my multi grain toasts with no desire to change but once in a while I like to treat myself with some fancy little bites like these ones. I would have called those mini cakes (which in French gâteaux are what those are), but I feel [...]

Rustic galette of red wine poached pears and Luna pepper
Galette rustique aux poires pochées au vin rouge et poivre la luna
Originally this was supposed to be just poached pears in spicy red wine topped with this magnificient pepper…then after some more thoughts, I decided to add a crust under the pears and make it a galette, a rugged and peasant [...]

Poached black plums in a spicy mint and verbena tea syrup
09 years ago
Prunes pochées dans un sirop épicé de thé à la menthe-verveine
This post has been long overdue…I made those plums in fall, so when they were in season, then never got the chance to post it. With my trip to France and work schedule, everything got delayed and now it’s November and the plums are [...]

Coconut quinoa flans with mango, rum and mint salad
09 years ago
Pudding de quinoa à la noix de coco et salade de mangues à la menthe et rhum
I had a lot of fun this weekend, playing in my kitchen. I love to spend time trying out new recipes and exploring new ideas. Unfortunately it does not happen as often as I’d like due to lack of time, and trying to [...]