Side Dish


Artichokes are back in town – Tagine of artichokes, chickpeas, potatoes, red peppers and olives

Les artichauts sont de retour – Tagine d’artichauts, pois chiches, pommes de terre, poivrons, et olives vertes It looks like artichoke season is starting and you see them come out on the shelves, one of the largest producer being close to the Bay Area in Castroville (they claim to be the artichoke [...]

Could it be oyster plant? – Simple salsifis salad

Simple salade de salsifis You probably don’t care about salsifis and there is nothing extraordinary about the recipe. It’s all about the salsifi. Sometimes I like to feature some unpopular vegetables like this one, it’s a root vegetable that people tend to forget like cardoon, so I thought to bring [...]

Gratin with a twist not Dauphinois! – Potato, zucchini and roquefort gratin

Gratin fantaisie et pas Dauphinois! – Gratin de pommes de terre, courgettes et roquefort There is the traditional gratin Dauphinois (from the Dauphiné region) where the potatoes are cooked in milk, then placed in the oven with butter (NO cheese) the real gratin Dauphinois has no cheese! Even [...]

On the light side – Quick and fake vegetable moussaka

Du côté léger – Moussaka rapide aux lentilles This post is overdue, I started it before I went to Tel Aviv, but never managed to finish it, so after days of wonderful fresh food, I came back to France where the bad weather conditions made me want to go back to sunny Israel. There is definitely a [...]

Is it really Israeli? – Israeli couscous with curry vegetables

Est-ce vraiment Israélien? – Matfoul aux légumes et curry I discovered this type of couscous in the US. I had never seen it before, so I started experimenting with it when I had some Israeli clients. I was so happy I found something “Israeli” to cook for them, but when they told me it was not [...]

Two friends in a pan – Radicchio and artichoke casserole

Due amici in padella – Radicchio di Chioggia e carciofi in teglia Radicchio al forno is a typical Northern Italian dish. I somehow added a little touch to it, by adding artichokes and topping it all with breadcrumbs, garlic and parsley. Artichokes and radicchio go perfectly well together, the [...]

In the world of vegetable galettes – Zucchini galettes with feta, chili and thyme

On ne se lasse pas des galettes de légumes – Galettes de courgettes à la feta, piment et thym I have been thinking lately about Thanksgiving menu and I am not sure what to make yet. Last year was mainly a “French” Thanksgiving with of course a Turkey but prepared the French way since the guests [...]

A wild side – Wild rice "à la forestière" with mushrooms, carrots and walnuts

Un côté sauvage – Riz sauvage à la forestière aux champignons, carottes et noix I haven’t realized Thanksgiving is coming soon, then I am leaving to visit my family in France shortly after, not sure I will have time to make it to Italy but we’ll see. It’s been one year I did not go home, and I am [...]

Fregola is acting like a risotto – Saffron fregola with grilled zucchini and mushrooms

La Fregola è gelosa del risotto – Fregola allo zafferano con zucchine e funghi I adore Fregola’s texture…those little round balls that are similar to couscous but are really not…It’s a pasta specialty from Sardinia and when cooked they remain somehow chewy and al dente at the same time. This [...]

Pretty Madeleine and Stanislas – Savory madeleines with oregano, gruyère and olives

La jolie Madeleine et Stanislas – Madeleines aux olives, origan et gruyère After a sunny and perfect weekend, not too much breeze, not too hot, just perfect day of hanging out with a friend, I realized that when people drop by, I never have snacks to offer them. I rarely snack or buy snacks, so [...]
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