Posts tagged Appetizer

Real or Fake? Salt cod brandade on marinated zucchini ribbons
312 years ago
Vraie ou fausse? Brandade de morue sur lit de courgettes marinées
I have been wanting to eat this for a long time, but salt cod is not always easy to find and not all the stores carry it. Fortunately Berkeley Bowl does…unfortunately it’s not of a great quality. I am used of thick and very dry [...]

Do you smoke? Cigarettes with leeks, shrimps and shiitake
312 years ago
Vous fumez? – Cigarettes aux poireaux, crevettes et champigons shiitake
I am a heavy smoker of those cigarettes! The excitement is more related to the feuilles de brick (the wrapping sheets, literally translated into “sheet brick”) than to those cigarettes themselves. I used to bring feuilles de [...]

Let’s keep it simple – Spicy chick pea galettes, ribbon vegetable salad, yogurt sauce
312 years ago
Restons simples – Galettes épicées de pois chiches, salade en rubbans et sauce au yaourt
First, I just realized my old recipes dated from 2008 are gone, well in am in the process of adding them back. I had a major problem with my blog, and all the recipes disappeared. They are still in the blog [...]

Very Chick – Rosemary shrimp brochette on spicy chick pea purée
112 years ago
Très chic – Brochette de crevettes en branche de romarin, sur purée epicée de pois chiches
After a few recipes mixing shrimps and cannellini beans, or shrimps and fava beans, let’s have fun with chick peas, I think they’re closer to a bean than a pea, called pois chiche in French but it seems like [...]

Depending on where you are – Flammkuchen or Tarte flambée with salmon
412 years ago
Ca dépend d’où vous êtes – flammkuchen ou tarte flambée au saumon
Growing up in Lorraine, and Lorraine being Alsace’s close neighbor, I am quite familiar with tarte flambée, which is an Alsacian Specialty (they eat it in Germany and close regions as well). It’s literally translated into “flamed [...]

I got my purse stolen – Purses filled with crayfish, leeks and cherry tomatoes, curry cream sauce
613 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Aumonières aux écrevisses, poireaux et tomates cerises, sauce curry
I am back in the US and I did not post anything while in France, simply because I had no time to cook – I think I prepared lunch for my parents twice, the rest of my stay my mom cooked and we had guests so no time to shot [...]

We dressed up the beets – Beets stuffed with goat cheese, walnuts and garlic on a bed of kale vinaigrette
713 years ago
On a habillé les betteraves – Betteraves farcies au chèvre, ail et noix sur lit de chou vert vinaigrette
I am not used to eating beets in hot preparations, and I wanted to explore this further. Sometimes, you are so used to eating things in a certain way, that the thought of changing ways makes [...]

Treadmill thoughts with Laurent – Lentils, roasted red pepper and kale salad with Labne tartine and eggplant purée
713 years ago
Recettes du tapis roulant avec Laurent – Salade de lentilles, aux poivrons grillés et chou vert – tartine de labne et purée d’aubergines
My friend Laurent is French but he grew up in Tunis ( we keep each other company on the treadmill in the mornings), always shares with me his childhood memories [...]

Oeuf cocotte with spinach, shiitake, prosciutto and truffle oil
1013 years ago
Oeufs cocotte aux épinards, shiitake, jambon de parme et huile de truffe noire
I cooked a dinner last week for a lovely couple who wanted their dinner theme to be white Alba truffles. Out of six courses, three had truffles in it. The smell brought me back to my childhood….My father used to go look [...]

Life is full of contrasts – Lentil and marinated smoked salmon salad
913 years ago
La vie est pleine de contrastes – Salade de lentilles et saumon fumé
It’s quite a fun way to eat lentils…lentils are very versatile and I think not popular enough especially since they’re highly nutritious. I have rarely seen them in restaurants other than in soups. In France they’re considered [...]