Posts tagged Appetizers

Razor clams are back! – Baked razor clams stuffed with mixed herbs and lemon zest
09 years ago
Les couteaux sont de retour – Couteaux farcis aux herbes et zestes de citron
These razor clams remind me of my childhood with my grandmother on a beach on the Adriatic. We used to find those inside the sand and pick them to bring home. It’s been so hard to find them in the stores in the US, and [...]

Croquettes or galettes? – Cod croquettes, with carrots ribbons and yogurt-capers sauce
010 years ago
Croquettes ou galettes? – Croquettes de cabillaud, tagliatelles de carottes et sauce yaourt câpres-moutarde
I could not decide on what to call those…either croquettes or galettes which in the French culinary world mean slightly different things. Croquette come from the verb “croquer” which means [...]

Life is a coconut – Coconut rice balls stuffed with shrimps, zucchini and lemongrass
212 years ago
La vie est une noix de coco – Boulettes de riz à la noix de coco farcies aux crevettes, courgettes et citronnelle
Yes, life is a coconut, after the hard work of breaking the shell, you get the good stuff – I am on a coconut craze lately, and I make everyone around me eat coconut. It’s delicious in [...]

Mes petits choux – Prosciutto wrapped Brussels sprouts on mâche salad and roasted pepper vinaigrette
Mon petit chou – Choux de Bruxelles enrobés de prosciutto sur lit de mâche et vinaigrette de poivrons grillés
This is truly a fun way to eat Brussels sprouts. In case you thought they were a tiny intimidating or boring, or just unappealing, you can play with them so they become exciting. It’s true [...]

So French – Gougères with comté cheese and thyme
913 years ago
Si Français – Gougères au comté et thym
These are one of those delicious appetizers that are so good, so easy to make, that everyone loves, but yet, I never think of making them. So I figure by posting them on my blog, it will make me remember that they shall not be forgotten!
Gougères are a [...]

Spring, here we are – Grilled beets, sweet potato and haloumi kebabs with arugula-lime dipping sauce
913 years ago
Printemps, nous voilà – Brochettes grillées de betteraves, patates douces et haloumi, sauce de roquette et citron vert
Who said kekabs have to be with meat? you can do anything you usually do with meat using vegetables, some vegetables are more adapted to certain cooking methods, but are [...]

Light Sunday treat – Spicy shrimps on a bed cauliflower mash
1014 years ago
Légères gourmandises du dimanche – Crevettes épicées sur lit de chou fleur
San Francisco has been under the rain today, and it might be a sign that fall is very much around, warning you that more rainy days are on their way.
Even though, it’s not Thanksgiving yet, I am already thinking about the [...]

Get a pillow and take a nap – Pillows with fava beans, asparagus and goat cheese
2114 years ago
Prend un oreiller et fais une sieste – Coussins de filo aux fèves, asperges et chèvre
I could definitely sleep on top of those stuffed pillows, they’re warm and smell so good. For a long time, I didn’t like to manipulate filo dough, it was either drying too fast, or breaking, so I got annoyed with [...]

Apéro Gourmand – Soft bouchées with sheep Basque cheese and figs
2614 years ago
Apéro Gourmand – Bouchées moëlleuses au fromage de brebis et figues
I have to admit that I have a weakness for Basque cheeses, I am not a Basque and far from being one, but I love Basque cuisine and products. I used a pure sheep Basque cheese here, you can use other sheep cheeses but pecorino is [...]

Rillettes from the sea – Smoked mackerel rillettes with potato-cumin blinis
3114 years ago
Rillettes de la mer – Rillettes de maquereau fumé sur blinis de pommes de terre au cumin
It’s been a while I ate mackerel…it’s one of those things you tend to forget it exists until you see it at the store. In France mackerel is a quite consumed fish, we eat it fresh and grilled, it’s [...]