Posts tagged avocado oil

The salad of all seasons – Warm spinach salad with shrimps, langoustines and edamame with a ginger lime vinaigrette
La salade de toutes saisons – Salade tiède d’épinards, crevettes, langoustines et edamame, vinaigrette au gingembre et citron vert
Yes spring is on its way, well some days it feels like summer, then the following day the rain keeps pouring but I just want to believe spring is coming (never under [...]

The "Three Tries" theory – Tofu "polpette" with curry, leeks, carrots and sesame – Avocado and tomato salad
La teoria delle “Tre Prove” – Polpette di tofu al curry con porri, carote, e grani di sesamo, insalatina di pomodori e avocado
I heard so many terrible tofu complaints from so many people that I need to defend this poor little white thingy. I don’t want tofu to be the “forgotten” ingredient, and [...]