Posts tagged basil

Yams and zucchini mille feuilles, sauté tofu steak, wild mushrooms and tomato fondue
08 years ago
Mille feuille de yams et courgettes aux herbes, steak de tofu sauté, fondue de tomates aux champignons sauvages
Today I had in mind to make something completely different for lunch. I have no idea why I ended up with this recipe. Mysteries of the brain. It certainly made my day. This is vegan, [...]

No flour pizza – Cauliflower crust pizza with mushrooms, fontina, cherry tomatoes and basil
08 years ago
by silvia
in Vegetarian - dairy
La pizza senza farina – Pizza con impasto al cavolfiore, funghi, fontina pomodori e basilico
I wanted to take more different pictures of this pizza with a more close up on a cut slice but unfortunately, my battery went off, so all I had time to take was a whole pizza uncut.
Since everyone has been [...]

Stuffed portobello with vegetables goat cheese and basil
011 years ago
Portobellos farcis aux légumes, chèvre et basilic
I cannot believe that my last post goes back to one month ago. Shame on me. I have no excuse, so shame on me twice. I have been back from France, then I got sick, then I have been busy working and busy working out, so one thing added to another, [...]

Very cauliflower – Cauliflower steak with brown rice risotto, truffle oil, carrot purée and basil jus
412 years ago
Très chou fleur – Steak de chou fleur, risotto au riz brun, huile de truffe, purée de carottes et jus de basilic
I am wondering why some people don’t like cauliflower, is it the texture? the flavor? what is it that some people really hate cauliflower? I find it to be such a delightful vegetable, [...]

Mes petits choux – Prosciutto wrapped Brussels sprouts on mâche salad and roasted pepper vinaigrette
Mon petit chou – Choux de Bruxelles enrobés de prosciutto sur lit de mâche et vinaigrette de poivrons grillés
This is truly a fun way to eat Brussels sprouts. In case you thought they were a tiny intimidating or boring, or just unappealing, you can play with them so they become exciting. It’s true [...]

What a nouille! – Soba noodles with edamame, grilled zucchini and Chinese cabbage – lemon basil pesto
Quelle nouille!!! – Nouilles soba, edamame, courgettes grillées, chou chinois, sauce basilic et citron
Nouille in French means noodle of course, but if you call someone a “nouille“it’s not really a compliment and means you are calling this person an idiot. So today, I do feel like a nouille, [...]

Why not? – Spaghetti squash with artichoke pesto
813 years ago
Perchè no? – Zucca spaghetti con pesto ai carciofini
Crushing these gorgeous baby artichokes into a pesto broke my heart. I have always wanted to make artichoke pesto but never really managed to turn the artichokes into a paste. They’re so cute and delicious as hearts that really putting them [...]

A crumble that smells like Provence – Tomato, eggplant, basil and goat cheese crumble
1615 years ago
Un crumble qui sent bon la Provence – Crumble aux tomates, aubergines, basilic et chèvre
It seems like the traditional British dessert arrived in France and turned savory. Crumbles are becoming very trendy in France and quite popular, I can understand why, they’re just really delicious. So, yes, [...]

The naked ravioli – Malfatti “gratinés” in a spicy tomato sauce
I ravioli nudi – Malfatti gratinati con salsina di pomodoro
After this Thanksgiving celebration, it’s good to go back to a healthier kind of cuisine. The turkey ended up so dry, due to a guest arriving over an hour late, and my new oven with circular heat that cooks three times faster than [...]

Vegetables inside and out – Carrot tagliolini with zucchini-walnut pesto
615 years ago
Verdura fuori e dentro – Tagliolini di carote con pesto alle zucchine e noci
More on the homemade vegetable pasta chapter… I am in my Italian cooking phase, I left French food aside and going back to my roots. Playing with pasta is a lot of fun. I love making homemade pasta, and having my hands [...]