Posts tagged cabbage

Edamame and mung bean fettucine with cabbage, peas and shrimps
08 years ago
Fettucine di edamame e fagioli mungo, cavolo, piselli e gamberi
Today I had to battle my demons, and stop obsessing about some terrible thing that happened recently, so I decided to try anything I could, and went for a long run. It did help somehow. After a few hours of running in circles, I [...]

Very very chou – Salmon in a cabbage outfit with tarragon
815 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Très très chou – Saumon en robe de chou à l’estragon
A little alternative to salmon…stuffed in cabbage leaves, a perfect light dish if you want to have fun eating while keeping a thin waste line. As much as I love eating, I really enjoy keeping my weight down and stay in shape. Even though I [...]

Can I have some polenta please? – Rosemary and parmesan polenta crostoni with spicy wild mushrooms and pancetta ragù
1215 years ago
Mi dai un pò di polenta per favore? – Crostoni di polenta al rosmarino e parmigiano con ragu piccante di funghi e pancetta – cavolo in padella
I have been wanting to make polenta for months now, I had this bag of polenta in my pantry, but did not have the other ingredients I needed to make what I [...]