Posts tagged chick peas

Some kind of fast food – Chickpea, red pepper and herb salad with grilled haloumi
111 years ago
Un genre de fast food – Salade de pois chiches et poivrons aux herbes et haloumi
When I go to the store, I buy everything I get attracted to, so when I go to the store hungry, I get attracted to everything in the store. That’s what they say don’t go shopping when you’re hungry, which is [...]

Like birdie – Spicy millet taboule with chick peas and grilled zucchini
012 years ago
Comme l’oiseau – Taboulé épicé au millet, pois chiches et courgettes grillées
I get more and more requests for gluten free and vegan dishes, and yes sometimes I like to feature recipes like this one that are unusual still with a little Mediterranean flair. This taboule salad is both gluten free [...]

Kale is in fashion – Spicy kale and chick peas with tzatziki
813 years ago
La mode du chou frisé – Chou frisé aux pois chiches épices et tzatziki
Originally I wanted to keep this vegan, then I could not resist to use that beautiful Greek yogurt I had in the refrigerator. Kale is quite THE popular vegetable these days, at least in California, and everyone talks about [...]

The crab lost his house – Soft shell crab with almond crust on grilled fennel and radicchio salad, cream of chick peas and capers
2714 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Le crabe a perdu sa maison – Crabes bleus en croûte d’amandes, sur lit de fenouil et trévise grillés, crème de pois chiches et câpres
Pardon my ignorance, I thought the soft crabs were a particular kind of specie…They’re apparently not. When I found out that they’re basically regular crabs that [...]

I can play the mandoline – Zucchini tagliatelle with spicy chick pea tomato sauce
2114 years ago
Posso suonare il mandolino – Tagliatelle di zucchine con salsa al pomodoro, ceci e origano
I bought a new mandoline before I would slice a few of my fingers, one day I cut the tip of my index while shaving fennel and had to go to the emergency room, so my new mandoline is much better and safer, and [...]

Artichokes are back in town – Tagine of artichokes, chickpeas, potatoes, red peppers and olives
1014 years ago
Les artichauts sont de retour – Tagine d’artichauts, pois chiches, pommes de terre, poivrons, et olives vertes
It looks like artichoke season is starting and you see them come out on the shelves, one of the largest producer being close to the Bay Area in Castroville (they claim to be the artichoke [...]

For the Sunday lunch – Arugula, Shrimp, fennel and chick pea salad
1015 years ago
Per il pranzo della domenica – Insalata di gamberi, rucola, finocchio e ceci
Happy Valentine’s day to everyone! Joyeuse St. Valentin!
Valentine’s day is not only the celebration of love but also of friendship, so I think everyone is concerned. It seems like the celebration goes back to antiquity [...]

No soup for the holidays – Soup of cauliflower, chickpeas and quadretti
Zuppa con cavolfiore, ceci e quadretti
I heard California got a lot of rain this season, all the news talked about it when I was in France and I heard it from my neighbors when I got back. The good things is that it’s clearing up. Eventhough France was very cold with -10C temperatures some days, [...]

Is it really Israeli? – Israeli couscous with curry vegetables
Est-ce vraiment Israélien? – Matfoul aux légumes et curry
I discovered this type of couscous in the US. I had never seen it before, so I started experimenting with it when I had some Israeli clients. I was so happy I found something “Israeli” to cook for them, but when they told me it was not [...]

Grilled pepper tuna steak with parsley-lemon pesto and medley of vegetables
315 years ago
Steak de thon grillé au poivre avec pesto de persil et citron – mélange de légumes et pois chiches
I don’t know about you, but I cannot get tired of eating fish and seafood. Ideally, I would like to become a complete vegetarian and stop contributing to the pollution of our planet by consuming [...]