Posts tagged crumble

Crumble of artichoke, yams and carrot purée, sauté kale and wild mushrooms
08 years ago
Crumble d’artichauts, purée de carottes et yams, chou vert sauté et champignons sauvages
It looks like artichokes are back, so hard to resist. This crumble is composed of five different kinds of vegetables that have a different kind of textures and colors. The more colors the better. I am not [...]

The little trendy appetizer – Pear crumble with roquefort cheese and hazelnuts
815 years ago
La petite entrée à la mode – Crumble de poires, roquefort et noisettes
Crumbles are quite trendy in France right now, I think anything with an anglo-saxon name is… Last time I was there, I noticed a few American items such as muffins, crumbles, brownies, cookies, (not to mention hamburgers au [...]