Posts tagged cucumbers

Kale is in fashion – Spicy kale and chick peas with tzatziki
813 years ago
La mode du chou frisé – Chou frisé aux pois chiches épices et tzatziki
Originally I wanted to keep this vegan, then I could not resist to use that beautiful Greek yogurt I had in the refrigerator. Kale is quite THE popular vegetable these days, at least in California, and everyone talks about [...]

When you feel like crab again – Crab and shrimp cakes with tarragon and capers on a bed of spaghetti-shaped cucumber salad
1015 years ago
Quand on a encore envie de crabe – Croquettes de crabe et crevettes à l’estragon et câpres sur un lit de concombre spaghetti
Well it might no longer be crab season, but I have urges of a pregnant woman when it has to do with food. Anytime I see crab, I cannot help and buy some. I am a big [...]