Posts tagged feuilles de brick

Best friends – Banana, chocolate and coconut rolls
010 years ago
Meilleurs amis – Rouleaux de brick à la banane, chocolat, noix de coco et pistaches
Quel est le meilleur ami de la banane si ce n’est que le chocolat? What’s banana’s best friend other than chocolate? During my trip to France, I brought back some brick sheets. Here is some more info on those [...]

Brick stuffed with curried vegetable, yogurt herb sauce
011 years ago
Bricks de légumes au curry, sauce yaourt aux herbes
I got inspired by Indian samosas when I made those. I felt like eating something spicy, salty, but not greasy and since I bought a few brick packs when I was in France, with an expiration date coming close, I figured let’s make something that [...]

Brick sheets stuffed with carrots, cumin and munster cheese
111 years ago
Brick à braque – Feuilles de brick aux carottes, cumin et munster
I would say that this recipe has a French flair to it, especially with munster cheese in it. Munster is a a very old cheese from Alsace made with caw milk, but other regions like the one I grew up in also produce munster. It tends to [...]

Do you smoke? Cigarettes with leeks, shrimps and shiitake
312 years ago
Vous fumez? – Cigarettes aux poireaux, crevettes et champigons shiitake
I am a heavy smoker of those cigarettes! The excitement is more related to the feuilles de brick (the wrapping sheets, literally translated into “sheet brick”) than to those cigarettes themselves. I used to bring feuilles de [...]

I got my purse stolen – Purses filled with crayfish, leeks and cherry tomatoes, curry cream sauce
613 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Aumonières aux écrevisses, poireaux et tomates cerises, sauce curry
I am back in the US and I did not post anything while in France, simply because I had no time to cook – I think I prepared lunch for my parents twice, the rest of my stay my mom cooked and we had guests so no time to shot [...]