Posts tagged fish

Quick and simple – Yams tartine with greens, sardines and radishes, lemon-herb pesto
08 years ago
Rapide et simple – Tartine de yams, sardines et radis, au pesto de fines herbes
Today, I have no time to have fun and prepare some nice lunch so I have to go with efficiency. I love tartines and never think of making them for lunch. I eat sweet tartines for breakfast but rarely for lunch. What a [...]

A different kind of bourride – Bourride of monkfish, clams and shrimps
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Une bourride un peu différente – Bourride de lotte, coques et crevettes
Bourride is a Provencal dish, let’s say the cousin of bouillabaisse. It’s originally made out of monkfish. In this version, I added shrimps and clams and fennel in the broth. I love the combination of fennel and [...]

Sanpeijiru – Japanese salmon and daikon soup
18 years ago
Sanpeijiru – Soupe Japonaise au saumon et daikon
I had some daikon in my refrigerator and not sure what to make with it, then I remembered some delicious soup with a clear and delicate broth I ate in Japan with lotus roots and fish. I decided to go that route with my daikon. After a bit of [...]

Salmon à l’unilatérale, cauliflower purée and warm Moroccan carrot salad
09 years ago
Saumon à l’unilatérale, purée de chou fleur, et salade tiède de carottes à la marocaine
This is a very easy and simple dish, fast to make, less than 30 minutes, and light. It’s one of those dishes I prepare when I have little time but still want to feel nourished. It would fit in the “fast [...]

Croquettes or galettes? – Cod croquettes, with carrots ribbons and yogurt-capers sauce
010 years ago
Croquettes ou galettes? – Croquettes de cabillaud, tagliatelles de carottes et sauce yaourt câpres-moutarde
I could not decide on what to call those…either croquettes or galettes which in the French culinary world mean slightly different things. Croquette come from the verb “croquer” which means [...]

Rockfish in coconut sauce, roasted yams, sauté greens with chili, garlic and lemon zest
010 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Sébaste au lait de coco, patates douces grillées et pissenlits sautés à l’ail, piment, et zestes de citron
Hello 2015!
I cannot believe and still completely shocked to what happened to the country I grew up in, with the atrocious terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week. And yes “La [...]

Smoke salmon, broccoli purée and spinach timbale, dill sauce
010 years ago
Timbale de purée de brocoli, épinards et saumon fumé, sauce aneth
I had some broccoli that I needed to use, and I did not feel like eating them in pieces, so I figured if I made purée, what else could I combine them with. One thing led to one other and one thought led to one other, so here it is, [...]

To start or end the week with happiness – Herb and walnut breaded salmon with broccoli salsa
111 years ago
Pour commencer la semaine ou la finir en gaieté – Saumon pané aux noix et herbes, salsa de brocolis
Here I am, in France again visiting my parents. I made this recipe while in the US a while ago and never managed to finish it. So I figured to post it from France even if it has nothing to do with [...]

Table for two – Marinated monkfish medallions with eggplant purée and lemon confit
111 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Table pour deux – Médaillons de lotte marinés aux épices, purée d’aubergine aux citrons confits
I realized this blog really lacks meat recipes, even though I cook it for clients every weeks, I don’t really eat it, (unless I am forced with a stick!!), I just taste it for seasoning, so I would say [...]

Happy lunch – Stuffed Branzino
211 years ago
Pranzino felicissimo – Branzino ripieno
I don’t know you, but a good meal,”me met de bonne humeur“! It totally makes me happy, and lifts up my mood…since Mr. F is traveling to Europe for a couple of weeks, I am taking this time off to treat myself with meals I love, just like this one. I love to [...]