Posts tagged french

Blanc-manger with almond milk, peach-apricot compte and grilled apricot
Blanc-manger au lait d’amandes, compote de pêches-abricot et abricots grillés
This fits in the category “entremet” in France.
Entremet literally means “entre“= between and “met“= meal. In the 17e century, it refers to a meal that is served after roastbeef, and before dessert. It evolved from a [...]

Pistou or pesto – Minestrone soup with quinoa, shrimps and pistou
Pistou o pesto – Minestrone con quinoa, gamberi e “pistou” (e non pesto)
It’s been ages I haven’t made soup for myself, I’ve had no desire for soups whatsoever. Maybe with winter coming this way and cooler weather, this will change.
Simple traditional minestrone is delicious, hearty, filled with [...]

You got it in the baba – Traditional baba au rhum
Tu l’as eu dans le baba!! – Le traditionnel baba au rhum
This slang expression, Tu l’as eu dans le baba! (you need an exclamation point), is mainly used to express a failure, or when you expected something you didn’t get. It’s somehow a funny expression, used quite often. But baba is also a [...]

Soup for the season – Split pea soup with pancetta
Zuppa di stagione – Zuppa di piselli spezzati con pancetta
I tried many versions of split pea soup and this one is my favorite. You can keep it vegan if you don’t add the pancetta at the end, so it’s versatile. You can use bacon instead of pancetta, or just nothing at all…it’s all up to you. I [...]

Real or Fake? Salt cod brandade on marinated zucchini ribbons
312 years ago
Vraie ou fausse? Brandade de morue sur lit de courgettes marinées
I have been wanting to eat this for a long time, but salt cod is not always easy to find and not all the stores carry it. Fortunately Berkeley Bowl does…unfortunately it’s not of a great quality. I am used of thick and very dry [...]

Simple and traditional – Semolina flans with caramel
Simple et traditionnel – Flans de semoule au caramel
Some people call this gâteau, it’s more like a flan to me than a cake, no matter how you call it, this is a very traditional French dessert. It took me a while to find coarse semolina and even thought of bringing it back from France at some [...]

Do you smoke? Cigarettes with leeks, shrimps and shiitake
312 years ago
Vous fumez? – Cigarettes aux poireaux, crevettes et champigons shiitake
I am a heavy smoker of those cigarettes! The excitement is more related to the feuilles de brick (the wrapping sheets, literally translated into “sheet brick”) than to those cigarettes themselves. I used to bring feuilles de [...]

In season – Apricot and rosemary tart
De saison – Tarte à l’abricot et romarin
I love summer, partly because I can eat peaches and apricots sans limites! My two favorites fruits are in season, and I only wait for summer to come, just to indulge in juicy peaches, nectarines, and apricots.
My friend Simon in France asked me why I was [...]

Indeed fascinating – Lentil stew and poached egg with truffle oil
112 years ago
En effet, fascinant – Ragoût de lentilles et oeuf poché à l’huile de truffe
Anytime I eat a poached egg, it reminds me of this teenager sitting next to our table, at Gary Danko, a well known San Francisco restaurant, who was astonished to see a yolk running while he poked a poached egg on top of [...]

The fancy banana – Banana “en papillote” with vanilla and rum
La banane se fait chic – Banane en papillote à la vanille et rhum
Yes, this one is definitely my last post before I fly to France next week. I was going through one of my books called “La cuisine de Bistrot” from Tomawalk Editions, yesterday and this recipe really caught my eye. This is such a [...]