Posts tagged galettes

Carrots part 2 – Carrot greens galettes with carrots and edamame saute, tahini-yogurt-lemon sauce
08 years ago
Galettes aux fanes de carottes, sur carottes et édamame sautés, sauce tahini-yaourt-citron
I bought a juicer a long time ago. I thought I would start juicing, then after one week, I got tired of cleaning the juicer, so that went in the basement, where all the unused “things” sit. My basement [...]

Saffron quinoa galettes with herbs, butternut squash purée
08 years ago
Galettes de quinoa au saffran et herbes, purée de courge butternut
I had some leftover saffron quinoa that I didn’t want to throw away but I didn’t want to eat either. Obviously the choices were limited…so I used the quinoa to make galettes. I figured it would be a nice balanced meal with a [...]

In the wide world of galettes – Cauliflower and zucchini galettes, bed of carrots, yogurt sauce
010 years ago
Dans le vaste monde des galettes – Galettes de chou fleur et courgettes, sur lit de carottes rapées et sauce yaourt
I am so happy about the time change, days seems longer, they are definitely brighter. I am very ready for spring and everything it brings us.
This recipe features one more [...]

Saute rapini, yams and carrot rösti, yogurt-cilantro dipping sauce
111 years ago
Brocoli rave sauté, galettes de patates douces et carottes, sauce au yaourt-coriandre
Going back to my favorite cuisine, vegetarian…I just love the vibrant colors of vegetables and their versatility, they’re too good to keep aside. In this dish, the bitterness of rapini and sweetness of yams [...]

Let’s keep it simple – Spicy chick pea galettes, ribbon vegetable salad, yogurt sauce
312 years ago
Restons simples – Galettes épicées de pois chiches, salade en rubbans et sauce au yaourt
First, I just realized my old recipes dated from 2008 are gone, well in am in the process of adding them back. I had a major problem with my blog, and all the recipes disappeared. They are still in the blog [...]

The other grean bean – Curry Mung beans galettes and tofu-garlic dipping sauce
L’autre haricot vert – Galettes de haricots mung au curry, et sauce tofu à l’ail
I don’t often cook with mung beans, but once in a while I like to eat them, they’re so cute and round and tiny with a little white eye staring at you.
Of course, I didn’t grow up eating those beans since they’re [...]

In the world of vegetable galettes – Zucchini galettes with feta, chili and thyme
1715 years ago
On ne se lasse pas des galettes de légumes – Galettes de courgettes à la feta, piment et thym
I have been thinking lately about Thanksgiving menu and I am not sure what to make yet. Last year was mainly a “French” Thanksgiving with of course a Turkey but prepared the French way since the guests [...]

My little melting heart – Broccoli and oats galettes stuffed with mozzarella, harissa sauce with roasted red pepper
615 years ago
Mon petit coeur fondant – Galettes de broccoli, avoine, au coeur de mozzarella, sauce harissa aux poivrons grillés
Don’t you love when your refrigerator is filled with vegetables? You open the door and all you can see is a bundle of colors. Unfortunately, today, I only had a bunch of broccoli [...]