Posts tagged gratin

A gratin among others – Mussels and leek gratin with curry sauce
312 years ago
A gratin parmi tant d’autres – Gratin de moules et poireaux au curry
This is probably my last post before I fly to France, next week. I have to fly for family reasons and looking forward to it. June in France is my favorite month, the days are long and it’s still light until 10 pm. Since my mom [...]

A Goat in the kitchen – Cauliflower and leek gratin with goat milk
3014 years ago
Une chèvre dans la cuisine – Gratin de chou fleur et poireaux au lait de chèvre
I forgot how DMV can be a nightmare, waiting for your number 389 when the current number is 210 can be the story of an afternoon. So people bring balls to play with, and all kinds of entertainment to spend three to [...]

Gratin with a twist not Dauphinois! – Potato, zucchini and roquefort gratin
1115 years ago
Gratin fantaisie et pas Dauphinois! – Gratin de pommes de terre, courgettes et roquefort
There is the traditional gratin Dauphinois (from the Dauphiné region) where the potatoes are cooked in milk, then placed in the oven with butter (NO cheese) the real gratin Dauphinois has no cheese! Even [...]

The almost unknown vegetable – Cardoni "gratinés" with a tomato fondue, olives and parmesan
2615 years ago
I cardoni di nonno Luigi – Cardoni gratinati con pomodori, olive e parmigiano
I wanted to give a little “hommage” to this wonderful vegetable that seems to be unknown or almost unknown. Anytime I get to the cash register, either the cashier or the person in line behind me asks me about what those [...]