Posts tagged kale
Crumble of artichoke, yams and carrot purée, sauté kale and wild mushrooms
08 years ago
Crumble d’artichauts, purée de carottes et yams, chou vert sauté et champignons sauvages
It looks like artichokes are back, so hard to resist. This crumble is composed of five different kinds of vegetables that have a different kind of textures and colors. The more colors the better. I am not [...]
Mediterranean tofu cakes with warm roasted pepper, eggplant salad and green olive tapenade
18 years ago
Galettes Mediterranéennes de tofu, salade tiède de poivrons et aubergines grillés, tapenade d’olives vertes
Originally, I had something else in mind, I wanted to use this tofu as the stuffing of some filo dough triangles. Unfortunately, sometimes things change…since I had no filo dough in my [...]
A fall celebration – Cream of lacinato kale, sesame and thyme sea scallop
08 years ago
Velouté de chou vert, St Jacques au sésame et thym
Summer is gone already but I have a hard time switching my mood for fall…I love summer and its long day light, its products and the vacation spirit. Fall has its own character like every other season but I am not looking forward to winter. I [...]
Borlotti beans galette, sauté baby kale, and roasted red pepper sauce
09 years ago
Borlotti galettes, chou vert sauté, et sauce épicée de poivrons grillés
I called these galettes, anything in that particular shape, is a galette to me, but it can also be called borlotti burger, you can eat them as is, in a middle of a bun, or dress them up a little like I did, it’s all up to [...]
When the sun is hiding – Broccoli, cumin and feta galettes, saute kale, butter bean avocado salad
010 years ago
Quand le soleil se cache – Galettes de brocoli au cumin et feta, salade de haricots, avocat à la menthe
Believe it or not, this dish belongs to the express category. Today feeling exhausted and hungry, and not in the best mood, probably because of a foggy weather (San Francisco weather in the [...]
Green peasant soup – Soup with artichokes, peas, lima beans and kale
110 years ago
Soupe paysanne verte – Soupe aux artichauts, haricots de lima, pois et chou vert
I love simple dishes that are filled with delicious vegetables. This is a late spring, early summer soup when all the vegetables are available. It reminds me of some soups my mom made when I was a child with [...]
Canapés for Florence – Polenta crostini with shrimps wrapped with pancetta, kale, and roasted red pepper coulis
411 years ago
Crostini per Fiorenza – Crostini di polenta con cavolo nero, gamberi e salsina di peperoni (Canapés de polenta avec chou frisé, crevettes enroulées de pancetta et coulis de poivrons grillés)
My Friend’s Julia mom, Florence a delightful lady from Paris came for a visit to the Bay Area during the [...]
Seems like winter – Chick pea and lacinato kale soup gratinée
Come se fosse l’inverno – Zuppa gratinata di ceci e cavolo nero With the heat on, yes indeed it seems like winter. I live in the part of the city that gets the fog in summer, so my brain is wired to behave like we’re in winter and I have soup cravings.
Growing up, I have always asked my parents [...]
We dressed up the beets – Beets stuffed with goat cheese, walnuts and garlic on a bed of kale vinaigrette
712 years ago
On a habillé les betteraves – Betteraves farcies au chèvre, ail et noix sur lit de chou vert vinaigrette
I am not used to eating beets in hot preparations, and I wanted to explore this further. Sometimes, you are so used to eating things in a certain way, that the thought of changing ways makes [...]
Kale is in fashion – Spicy kale and chick peas with tzatziki
813 years ago
La mode du chou frisé – Chou frisé aux pois chiches épices et tzatziki
Originally I wanted to keep this vegan, then I could not resist to use that beautiful Greek yogurt I had in the refrigerator. Kale is quite THE popular vegetable these days, at least in California, and everyone talks about [...]