Posts tagged lemon

Carrots part 2 – Carrot greens galettes with carrots and edamame saute, tahini-yogurt-lemon sauce
08 years ago
Galettes aux fanes de carottes, sur carottes et édamame sautés, sauce tahini-yaourt-citron
I bought a juicer a long time ago. I thought I would start juicing, then after one week, I got tired of cleaning the juicer, so that went in the basement, where all the unused “things” sit. My basement [...]

Beet carpaccio with raspberries and raspberry vinegar dressing, goat yogurt herb sauce
08 years ago
Carpaccio de betteraves aux framboises et vinaigre de framboises, sauce yaourt grec, ail, citron et menthe
I love weekends, especially when I have enough time to explore new recipes and cook. That is my perfect weekend, and even more perfect when my experiments turn out delicious.
Strangely [...]

Grilled octopus, fennel and fava bean saute, roasted pepper salsa, mixed herb salsa
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Poulpe grillé sur lit de fenouil et fèves, coulis de poivrons grillés, et sauce aux fines herbes
Since I came back from Japan, I have been wanting to make Takoyaki which are Japanese octopus balls usually find in the streets of Japan and eaten as snacks. They are delightful (of course if you [...]

Black bean spaghetti with Brussels sprouts, mint and lemon pesto
Spaghetti aux haricots noirs, pesto de choux de Bruxelles, menthe et citron
I found those high protein, low carbs spaghetti. They’re made with black bean flour and water. I was very intrigued by those and obviously needed to try them. The same brand also sells edamame noodles, with the same [...]

Lentils and carrot mash with roasted butternut squash and tahini sauce
09 years ago
Ecrasée de lentilles et carottes et courge butternut rôtie, sauce tahini
A clean and healthy meal to end the week…which I have to say has been kind and sweet. I am planning my trip to France with a few healthy recipes to bring along for my parents, and especially my mom who has diabetes. My [...]

Life is beautiful this way – Warm salad of curried roasted cauliflower, bell peppers and yams with lemon poppy seed vinaigrette
09 years ago
La vie est belle comme ça- Salade tiède chou fleur au curry, poivrons, et patate douce, vinaigrette au graines de pavot et citron
We can go simple with a few ingredients, and get a flavorful and nutritious salad. Plant based meals make me happy and in a good mood, as much as running does. So [...]

Razor clams are back! – Baked razor clams stuffed with mixed herbs and lemon zest
09 years ago
Les couteaux sont de retour – Couteaux farcis aux herbes et zestes de citron
These razor clams remind me of my childhood with my grandmother on a beach on the Adriatic. We used to find those inside the sand and pick them to bring home. It’s been so hard to find them in the stores in the US, and [...]

Happy lunch – Stuffed Branzino
211 years ago
Pranzino felicissimo – Branzino ripieno
I don’t know you, but a good meal,”me met de bonne humeur“! It totally makes me happy, and lifts up my mood…since Mr. F is traveling to Europe for a couple of weeks, I am taking this time off to treat myself with meals I love, just like this one. I love to [...]

Who would have thought – Vegetable Pot-au-feu “du Sud”
111 years ago
Qui l’eût cru? Pot-au-feu végétarien du Sud
I remember reading about this recipe in a French magazine such as Femme Actuelle or Elle à Table, but it’s been a while ago and I don’t remember so I have been making it from memory, which is certainly not exactly the same as the original. It’s [...]

Simply delicious – Spaghetti with bottarga
112 years ago
Semplicemente deliziosi – Spaghetti alla bottarga
Bottarga is called mullet roe in English or boutargue in French and is popular in some Mediterranean countries. It is basically the eggs of the mullet fish that have been salted and dried, then preserved in wax. I think in Italy, Sardinia is the [...]