Posts tagged matcha


The magic powder – Matcha jelly with adzuki bean paste and vanilla ice cream

La poudre magique – Gelée de thé matcha à la pâte de haricots noirs et glace vanille Even though I do not have a sweet tooth at all and rarely eat desserts, while in Japan, I got hooked on their matcha desserts, especially in Kyoto which is the capital of matcha sweets. Japanese desserts are [...]

That’s not for Pépito! – Green tea, coconut, and almond bouchées

Ca, ce n’est pas pour Pépito! – Bouchées au thé vert matcha, à la noix de coco et poudre d’amandes I just adopted the most adorable white parakeet and named him Pépito (named after some chocolate cookies in France when I was growing up called Pépito, they were cookies covered with milk chocolate [...]
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