Posts tagged mushrooms

Yams and zucchini mille feuilles, sauté tofu steak, wild mushrooms and tomato fondue
08 years ago
Mille feuille de yams et courgettes aux herbes, steak de tofu sauté, fondue de tomates aux champignons sauvages
Today I had in mind to make something completely different for lunch. I have no idea why I ended up with this recipe. Mysteries of the brain. It certainly made my day. This is vegan, [...]

No flour pizza – Cauliflower crust pizza with mushrooms, fontina, cherry tomatoes and basil
08 years ago
by silvia
in Vegetarian - dairy
La pizza senza farina – Pizza con impasto al cavolfiore, funghi, fontina pomodori e basilico
I wanted to take more different pictures of this pizza with a more close up on a cut slice but unfortunately, my battery went off, so all I had time to take was a whole pizza uncut.
Since everyone has been [...]

The other gnocchi – Polenta gnocchi with cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and peas
09 years ago
Gnocchi di polenta con pomodorini, funghi e piselli
I made these with leftover polenta that I didn’t want to throw away. When you think about all the food thrown away each year, it’s just unbelievable. I was reading an article on the French news stating that each French person throws away 79 [...]

Deliciously vegan – Grilled king oyster mushrooms, lentils-quinoa and miso sauce
010 years ago
Délicieusement vegan – Pleurottes géantes grillées, lentilles-quinoa et sauce miso épicée
This will be my favorite dish for some time. The inspiration came from a dish I ate in a restaurant in Healdsburg where grilled mushrooms were served with fried quinoa, poached egg and miso sauce. I changed [...]

Stuffed portobello with vegetables goat cheese and basil
011 years ago
Portobellos farcis aux légumes, chèvre et basilic
I cannot believe that my last post goes back to one month ago. Shame on me. I have no excuse, so shame on me twice. I have been back from France, then I got sick, then I have been busy working and busy working out, so one thing added to another, [...]

Thank you Antoine – French vegetarian shepherd’s pie with mushrooms, taleggio and three purées
1513 years ago
Merci Antoine – Hachis parmentier végétarien aux champignons, taleggio et aux trois purées
In France Hachis parmentier is something eaten quite frequently and that kids love, due to its combination of potato puree and ground meet. My mom being Italian, she never really prepared this, but when I [...]

The other grean bean – Curry Mung beans galettes and tofu-garlic dipping sauce
L’autre haricot vert – Galettes de haricots mung au curry, et sauce tofu à l’ail
I don’t often cook with mung beans, but once in a while I like to eat them, they’re so cute and round and tiny with a little white eye staring at you.
Of course, I didn’t grow up eating those beans since they’re [...]

As cute as caviar – Black quinoa, adzuki beans salad with fennel, carrots and mushrooms
Aussi mignon que le caviar – Salade de quinoa et haricots adzuki, fenouil, carottes et champignons
I had bought some adzuki beans a while ago, yes I know there are so many kinds of beans, and this one is one among many others. It’s a bean mainly grown in the Himalayas and used in Asia in sweet [...]

Come here little turnip – Turnips stuffed with mushrooms, spinach, roquefort and walnuts
1014 years ago
Petit navet, viens par ici – Navets farcis au champignons, épinards, roquefort et noix
Aren’t those irresistible? Turnips tend to be forgotten as a vegetable, even though often used in soups. In France we eat turnips in so many ways, and we even use their leaves in soups. I love turnips, they [...]

Lilou’s gourmande galette – Quinoa galette with bell peppers, mushrooms and mint – Leek cream
1314 years ago
La galette gourmande de Lilou- Galette de quinoa aux poivrons, champignons et menthe, crème de poireaux
Feeling like quinoa? after quinoa salads, I wanted something cakey but savory…My baby parrotlet Lilou ate all of the quinoa I made last Saturday, he loves quinoa and barley so now we share the [...]