Posts tagged mussels

Party time! half bite and short story – Mini mussel tartlets
212 years ago
Une demie bouchée et histoire courte- Mini tartelettes aux moules
I had some leftover pâte brisée that I didn’t want to throw away, so here we go…of course, you can replace mussels with scallops or shrimps. This is just very easy to make and the use of those mini tarts are versatile. I ate eight [...]

A gratin among others – Mussels and leek gratin with curry sauce
312 years ago
A gratin parmi tant d’autres – Gratin de moules et poireaux au curry
This is probably my last post before I fly to France, next week. I have to fly for family reasons and looking forward to it. June in France is my favorite month, the days are long and it’s still light until 10 pm. Since my mom [...]

Seafood obsession part III – Spicy mussels and clams with leeks, beer, chili and herbs
414 years ago
A la pêche aux moules….- Moules et praires aux poireaux, bière, piment et herbes
A la pêche aux moules, moules, moules, je ne veux plus y aller maman, les gens de la ville, ville, ville, m’ont pris mon panier… despite mon panier, I still want to go mussel fishing!
I am afraid I cannot stop [...]

A little tradition doesn't hurt… – Scallops in their "shells" with mussels, shrimps and cod with leeks and Cognac sauce
1015 years ago
Un peu de tradition ne fait pas de mal – Coquille de fruits de mer avec sauce poireaux et flambée au Cognac
Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself…today was my treat day and I really enjoyed it to the fullest. Treating for me has to do with seafood, so those wonderful coquilles (shells) made [...]