Posts tagged pistachios
Très mango – Mango papillote three ways
Très mangue – Papillote de mangues trois façons
It’s the season for those gorgeous keitt mangoes, so nothing better that using seasonal fruits. They only last for a couple of months so don’t miss on that. You will recognize them because they’re very large, and whose skin remains green even when [...]
Brick stuffed with mango-peaches, lemon and lavender – coconut ice cream
Brick à la pêche-mangue, lavande et citron - glace à la noix de coco et pistaches
I still have brick sheets that I brought back from France last May and need to use them, the expiration date is coming close, so here is a delightful fruity dessert that lightened up my Sunday. I treat myself as [...]
Breakfast and lunch – Chia pudding with coconut, pistachios and banana
110 years ago
Petit-déjeûner et déjeûner – Puddng de graines de chia à la noix de coco, pistaches et bananes
Since chia is all over the place, and that everyone is talking about it in the nutrition world as a miracle little seed, I decided to try it out too. I used to sprinkle it on top of yogurt or fruits, but [...]
Grilled peaches on coconut rice cream and pistachios
Pêches grillées sur crème de riz à la noix de coco et pistaches
When summer comes again, I just need to find new light and fresh desserts to use peaches, my favorite fruit. If you are like me, cannot get enough of them, here is another a cool recipe to try.
This recipe is quite versatile, you can [...]
Best friends – Banana, chocolate and coconut rolls
010 years ago
Meilleurs amis – Rouleaux de brick à la banane, chocolat, noix de coco et pistaches
Quel est le meilleur ami de la banane si ce n’est que le chocolat? What’s banana’s best friend other than chocolate? During my trip to France, I brought back some brick sheets. Here is some more info on those [...]
The cat lost its tongue – Grilled apricots with goat milk yogurt, figs, cardamom, honey and “langues de chat”
Le chat a perdu sa langue – Abricots grillés au yaourt de chêvre, cardamome, figues, miel et langues de chat
One of the best meals I have ever had was in Biarritz, for those who have traveled to France and who went to Pays Basque, must know Biarritz. It’s located in the Southern part of France on [...]
Papillotes meli-melo – Mixed fruits with honey, raisins, pistachios and coconut in parchment paper
614 years ago
Méli-mélo de papillotes – Pommes, poires et bananes au miel, raisins, pistaches et noix de coco en papillotes avec glace vanille
Des pommes, des poires et des….bananes!! I have been thinking about those papillottes for so long. I thought about them kept thinking about them, and always made [...]
More pesto adventures – Fake tacconi with rucola-pistachio pesto and asparagus
515 years ago
Ancora una storia di pesto – Tacconi finti con pesto di rucola-pistacchi e asparagi
I have been thinking about this recipe for a while that my grandmother used to make when I was a child, called tacconi. I loved those so much, because they’re always remained a little crunchy and I have always [...]