Posts tagged ricotta

Do you know how to play the guitar? – Farro Spaghetti “alla chitarra” with vegetable ragù and ricotta
3814 years ago
Sai suonare la chitarra? – Spaghetti di farro alla chitarra con salsa all’ortolana e ricotta
I am going back to my roots with this dish. Once in a while, it feels good to go back to old and traditional ways of cooking even if it it can be time consuming. Cooking being therapeutic for me (like for [...]

A Crunchy bite – Spring salad with fresh chick peas, baby carrots, avocado and ricotta salata
914 years ago
Méli-mélo croquant – Salade de printemps aux pois chiches frais, carottes naines et ricotta salée
After the seafood month, I thought it was about time to celebrate springs, at least in California. The beauty about California is that they grow a lot of fruits and vegetables and you get quite a lot [...]

The naked ravioli – Malfatti “gratinés” in a spicy tomato sauce
I ravioli nudi – Malfatti gratinati con salsina di pomodoro
After this Thanksgiving celebration, it’s good to go back to a healthier kind of cuisine. The turkey ended up so dry, due to a guest arriving over an hour late, and my new oven with circular heat that cooks three times faster than [...]

Not that "bête" – Verrines of golden beets with herbed ricotta
1515 years ago
Pas si bêtes que ca – Verrines de betteraves, ricotta aux herbes
I went for a little walk downtown today since my car did not run, the internet and the phone were completely dead, so I decided to take a day off rooming around the city. It had been a while I did not get the chance to do so and [...]

It's quince time! – Grilled brioche sandwich with ricotta, honey and caramelized quince
1415 years ago
C’est la saison des coings! – Sandwich de brioche grillée à la ricotta, miel et coings caramelisés
Again, one of those days where I made a trip to la Boulange to get some Brioche, among many other things…I keep forgetting that Whole Foods distribute it. We are so used to savory sandwiches that I [...]

Apple games – Apple, ricotta, raisins and almond butter pancakes
1515 years ago
by silvia
in Breakfast/Brunch
Jeux de pommes – Galettes de pommes, ricotta et beurre d’amande
I started this little post a while ago and never managed to finish it, since I have a 30 minutes break in between this craziness move, I just wanted to finish it and move on.
Originally I wanted to make savory frittelle with the [...]

A small je ne sais quoi – Ricotta cake with honey, raisins, cranberries, candied orange, and spices
715 years ago
Un petit goût de pain d’épices qui me plait bien – Gâteau de ricotta au miel, raisins secs, oranges confites et épices
This has been something that arrived out of the blue after a crazy wedding weekend…ricotta is an ingredient I like to put everywhere, and I love it particularly in desserts.
On [...]

Don't confuse it with a pizza – Tatin with tomatoes, ricotta salata, goat cheese and basil
715 years ago
Ne pas confondre avec une pizza – Tarte tatin facon pizza aux tomates confites, ricotta, chèvre, lardons, basilic et moutarde
I really don’t like to throw food away…I had some leftover dough that I used to make the Tarpiz a few days ago and I thought it would be a shame to throw away that [...]