Posts tagged roquefort

Come here little turnip – Turnips stuffed with mushrooms, spinach, roquefort and walnuts
1014 years ago
Petit navet, viens par ici – Navets farcis au champignons, épinards, roquefort et noix
Aren’t those irresistible? Turnips tend to be forgotten as a vegetable, even though often used in soups. In France we eat turnips in so many ways, and we even use their leaves in soups. I love turnips, they [...]

Gratin with a twist not Dauphinois! – Potato, zucchini and roquefort gratin
1115 years ago
Gratin fantaisie et pas Dauphinois! – Gratin de pommes de terre, courgettes et roquefort
There is the traditional gratin Dauphinois (from the Dauphiné region) where the potatoes are cooked in milk, then placed in the oven with butter (NO cheese) the real gratin Dauphinois has no cheese! Even [...]

Feel like savory tarts again? Roquefort, onions and walnut tartlets
1215 years ago
Encore envie de tarte salée? – Tartelettes au roquefort, oignons et noix
My downstair neighbor John who happens also to take care of the building, came to show me a cookbook a friend of his offered him, and he wanted me to take a look at it, see if I knew the chef who was French (originally from [...]

Automn Leaves – Sunburst squash and leek soup with oregano and yogurt, warm roquefort tartine
Les feuilles mortes – velouté de potimarron et poireaux à l’origan et yaourt, tartine chaude de roquefort
I was listening to Yves Montand’s classic song “les Feuilles Mortes” translated by “Autumn Leaves” but it literally means “Dead Leaves” and it never fails, I get tears in my eyes…that song [...]

The little trendy appetizer – Pear crumble with roquefort cheese and hazelnuts
815 years ago
La petite entrée à la mode – Crumble de poires, roquefort et noisettes
Crumbles are quite trendy in France right now, I think anything with an anglo-saxon name is… Last time I was there, I noticed a few American items such as muffins, crumbles, brownies, cookies, (not to mention hamburgers au [...]