Posts tagged rum

Polenta cakes with raisin and rum, braised pineapple and pineapple tartare with lime and mint
Gâteaux de polenta aux raisins secs et rhum, ananas braisé et tartare d’ananas au citron vert et menthe
This recipe might seem complicated because it has many steps, but those are easy steps, and it’s a fast recipe too. Last time I was in Nancy, France I had lunch at this new restaurant close [...]

Quinoa pudding with raisins and pineapple-mint salsa
011 years ago
Quinoa façon riz au lait aux raisins secs et salsa d’ananas à la menthe
That is one is now one of my new favorite desserts. I have a few favorite desserts despite my non sweet tooth, and this one certainly is on the list.
I was skeptical before starting this recipe, I thought the quinoa flavor [...]

Fabulous almonds, part 2 – Almond cake
111 years ago
Merveilleuses amandes, deuxième partie – Délicieux gâteau aux amandes
I love this cake, I love it even more because I used the almond pulp that was left while making almond milk. So there is no waste in the process.
In France in January we celebrate Epiphany, and we eat the traditional Kings cake [...]

The soup we like, a little, a lot, passionately, …. – Plantain and mango soup with vanilla and rum
111 years ago
La soupe qu’on aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, …. – Soupe de banane plantain et mangues à la vanille et rhum
One recipe adapted from “La Bonne Cuisine Végétarienne de Babette” with a creole inspiration. Who doesn’t like rum, vanilla and orange juice? I have never really cooked plantains [...]

You got it in the baba – Traditional baba au rhum
Tu l’as eu dans le baba!! – Le traditionnel baba au rhum
This slang expression, Tu l’as eu dans le baba! (you need an exclamation point), is mainly used to express a failure, or when you expected something you didn’t get. It’s somehow a funny expression, used quite often. But baba is also a [...]

The fancy banana – Banana “en papillote” with vanilla and rum
La banane se fait chic – Banane en papillote à la vanille et rhum
Yes, this one is definitely my last post before I fly to France next week. I was going through one of my books called “La cuisine de Bistrot” from Tomawalk Editions, yesterday and this recipe really caught my eye. This is such a [...]

Simplissime – Banana, caramel and rum pudding
813 years ago
Simplissime – Pudding à la banane, caramel et rhum
If you are not a cook, nor a pastry chef, this would be for you…How a dessert can more simple? Besides, it’s quite light, so in my book all the attributes to be called a perfect dessert. I think as a “petite chose sucrée“, a little sweet thing to [...]

A thief in the kitchen – Mini vanilla polenta cake with rum roasted peach
Un voleur dans la cuisine – Mini gâteaux de polenta à la vanille et pêches rôties au rhum
Who said that polenta only needs to be eaten in savory dishes? I was so excited about this dessert, that I have been thinking about it for days. Let’s also enjoy the peaches while they last, soon they’ll no [...]

The exotic panna cotta – Coconut panna cotta with pineapple, rum and mint chilled soup
Una panna cotta esotica – Panna cotta con noce di coco, e zuppa fredda di ananas, rum e menta
I have been on a strange coconut cravings lately, coconut and more coconut, if it was not as high in calories, I would eat it all day long and that goes the same for panna cotta which I absolutely adore. [...]

Quick, light and refined – Pineapple carpaccio with a mint and rum marinade
Rapide, léger et raffiné – Carpaccio d’ananas à la marinade de rhum et menthe
I had this dessert at the Brasserie Lutèce in Paris after a huge plateau de fruits de mer (seafood platter), the carpaccio was served with a pineapple sorbet, and it was the perfect sweet touch to that wonderful dinner. [...]