Posts tagged salmon


The jealousy of the salmon – Salmon à l'orange on braised fennel

La jalousie du saumon – Saumon à l’orange sur fenouil braisé The salmon got a little jealous and was raving to be coated with a citrusy orange sauce too, because he thought that not only canard can be made “à l’orange”, he was the perfect candidate for the title too…and he was. On peut faire plein [...]

Very very chou – Salmon in a cabbage outfit with tarragon

Très très chou – Saumon en robe de chou à l’estragon A little alternative to salmon…stuffed in cabbage leaves, a perfect light dish if you want to have fun eating while keeping a thin waste line. As much as I love eating, I really enjoy keeping my weight down and stay in shape. Even though I [...]

Salmon swim – Salmon "en nage" with saffron, with fava beans and potatoes

La nage du saumon – Pavé de saumon en nage safranée aux fèves et pommes de terre That might not be that original but it is so good that I had to put it up. I don’t know why but I am a little tired of seeing fish served with potato purée,  not sure either why almost all restaurants do that, but [...]

Are there still fishes in the sea? – Salmon tart with spinach, onions and dill on a black sesame seeds, chili and herb crust

Y a t-il encore des poissons dans la mer? – Tarte au saumon, épinards, onions et aneth avec pâte au sésame, piment et herbes I love my rectangular molds and think I haven’t used them that much, so I need to place them somewhere I can see them, otherwise I tend to forget I have them. What a shame. [...]

The tartine that works an appetite – Salmon tartine with a ginger, caper, mustard and herb dressing

La tartine qui met en appétit – Tartine de saumon au gingembre, câpres, et herbes mixtes After a beautiful and sunny day, we are back to the grisaille, which literally translates to “greyness”, the good thing about this type of weather is that you can stay home and cook. hat would be the positive [...]

The salmon wants to be a chicken – Sesame ginger grilled salmon with mixed salad lemon cilantro dressing

Le saumon qui voulait être une aiguillette – Aiguillettes de saumon au sésame marinées au gingembre et soja, salade mixte à la vinaigrette de citron et coriandre After coming back from New Orleans, I stuffed my fridge with fish and seafood, and it’s almost reaching to an end…I feel so much better [...]

Complete meal in a bowl – Spicy salmon balls with coconut rice, shitakee and ginger scallion dipping sauce

Repas complet dans un bol – Boulettes épicées de saumon avec riz à la noix de coco et shitakee, sauce gingembre et oignon vert A good Cambodian friend from High school taught me how to cook a perfect rice in term of rice/water quantity if you don’t want to use a measuring cup and if you don’t [...]
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