Posts tagged scallops
Celery root purée, braised fennel and scallop with mango vinegar glaze
08 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Purée de celeri rave, fenouil braisé à l’orange et St Jacques au vinaigre de mangue
I haven’t celery rave in a long time, for no specific reason, maybe because I don’t enjoy peeling it. is that a good enough reason? maybe not.
In France we eat celery rave a lot, mainly in rémoulade. Rémoulade is [...]
A fall celebration – Cream of lacinato kale, sesame and thyme sea scallop
08 years ago
Velouté de chou vert, St Jacques au sésame et thym
Summer is gone already but I have a hard time switching my mood for fall…I love summer and its long day light, its products and the vacation spirit. Fall has its own character like every other season but I am not looking forward to winter. I [...]
An exotic gazpacho – Scallops with lychee gazpacho
2714 years ago
Un gazpacho exotique- St Jacques au gaspacho de litchis
A good friend of mine is half Basque, so one day, while browsing through her cookbooks, I found a very interesting book on Basque cuisine, written by Gerald Hirigoyen, an amazing Basque chef who owns a few restaurants in San Francisco, among [...]
As chic as a Chanel dress – Sea scallop on green apple with vanilla oil
3014 years ago
Aussi chic qu’une robe Chanel – St jacques à la pomme verte et huile de vanille
I have been obsessing about this green apple/scallop combination for weeks, and could not come up with something that I would be excited about. Raw apple? cooked apple? diced? sliced? not sure how I wanted to make it [...]
Ocean terrine – Scallops and shrimp terrine with herbs and asparagus ribbons in vinaigrette
1214 years ago
Terrine de la mer parfumée – Terrine de St Jacques et crevettes aux herbes – rubans d’asperges en vinaigrette
I am fascinated by the world of terrines, like most French, we love terrines, and what is more French than a terrine? really maybe baguette? they can be refined and elegant, beautiful, [...]
To share with a girlfriend – Traditional Italian seafood stew from Fano
914 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Per una cena tra amiche – Brodetto alla Fanese
When two friends reunite around a huge pot of brodetto, it’s always a memorable evening…especially when both of them are craving fish and seafood.
I grew up eating brodetto, my mom’s favorite. The city of Fano in Italy and that particular region, [...]
One spoon for me and two for you – Scallops with mango and blood orange vinaigrette
1714 years ago
Une cuillère pour moi, et deux pour toi – Cuillères de St Jacques à la vinaigrette de mangue et orange sanguine
I bought so many different kinds of those cuillères (spoons) while in France, which was not really a necessity since they are also available in the US, but my mom shoved them in my [...]
Surprise, surprise!!! – Farfalline "haute couture" with shrimps, scallops and leek sauce
1414 years ago
Che sorpresa! – Farfalline “Hautes Couture” con gamberi, capesante e crema ai porri
I finally received my mom’s package, it only took six days which is really not much. I was expecting it and was wondering if they would open it at the customs but it arrived intact.
I was not sure of what she put [...]