Posts tagged sea food

Canapés for Florence – Polenta crostini with shrimps wrapped with pancetta, kale, and roasted red pepper coulis
412 years ago
Crostini per Fiorenza – Crostini di polenta con cavolo nero, gamberi e salsina di peperoni (Canapés de polenta avec chou frisé, crevettes enroulées de pancetta et coulis de poivrons grillés)
My Friend’s Julia mom, Florence a delightful lady from Paris came for a visit to the Bay Area during the [...]

An exotic gazpacho – Scallops with lychee gazpacho
2714 years ago
Un gazpacho exotique- St Jacques au gaspacho de litchis
A good friend of mine is half Basque, so one day, while browsing through her cookbooks, I found a very interesting book on Basque cuisine, written by Gerald Hirigoyen, an amazing Basque chef who owns a few restaurants in San Francisco, among [...]

Do you know Alain Carro? – Artichokes with squid from Alain Carro
1015 years ago
Vous connaissez Alain Carro? – Artichauts et calamars d’Alain Carro
I got a beautiful book for my birthday called Culina Mediterranea, the book must weight about 10 lb, is 4 inches thick, I can only read the book if it’s laying on a table, it’s too heavy to carry and impossible to be reading it [...]