Posts tagged tarragon
Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
27 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]
Once it was a salad – Soup of lettuce and peas with herbs, cream of tarragon-chervil
09 years ago
Un jour, ce fût une salade – Soupe de laitue et pois aux herbes, crème d’estragon et cerfeuil
This soup has been made with ingredients that could also be a salad. So if you are tired of lettuce salad, you can turn it into a delightful soup. Soups have a healing and cleansing effect and are so [...]
salmon wrapped in chard leaves, cauliflower purée, vegetable fondue and tarragon jus
012 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Saumon en feuilles de blettes, purée de chou-fleur, fondue de légumes et jus d’estragon
Here is a Sunday lunch that gave me some punch (en plus ca rime) – I have not eaten salmon in a long time, probably because I find salmon a little boring to be honest. Maybe when a product becomes easy to find, [...]
Salad or not salad? – Salad of grain medley with cannellini, shrimps, artichokes in a herb-lemon dressing
Salade ou pas salade? – Salade tiède de céréales et mélange aux haricots blancs, crevettes, artichauts, vinaigrette aux citron et herbes
Lately I have not been too well, that’s why I haven’t been posting any recipe on a regular basis like I used to, and my desire and energy for cooking has [...]
A crêpe that’s not really a crêpe – Traditional savory buckwheat galette with smoked salmon, grilled tomatoes, caramelized onions, and tarragon sauce
3114 years ago
Une crêpe qui n’est pas vraiment une crêpe – Galette au sarrasin, saumon, tomates grillées et oignons caramelisés, sauce estragon
I haven’t made those for so long, I usually make them when we have a “crêpe party”, and those haven’t occurred in a while!
Basically, the traditional savory crêpes are [...]
No I did not miss you – Roasted chicken thighs with lemon, herbs, olives and sunburst squash
Non, tu ne m’as pas manqué - Cuisses de poulet rôties aux herbes, citron et olives à la courge
Since I don’t really eat meat, I know my blog lacks meat recipes, I figured that when I cook for some non-vegetarian people who do eat meat, I take the opportunity for putting up the recipe on the blog. [...]
Very very chou – Salmon in a cabbage outfit with tarragon
815 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Très très chou – Saumon en robe de chou à l’estragon
A little alternative to salmon…stuffed in cabbage leaves, a perfect light dish if you want to have fun eating while keeping a thin waste line. As much as I love eating, I really enjoy keeping my weight down and stay in shape. Even though I [...]
Where are your roots? – Root vegetable soup with turnip chips and tarragon cream
Où sont vos racines? – Soupe de légumes racine aux chips de navets et crème d’estragon
I got a little sick this weekend, another weird migraine that made me drained, so anytime I get sick, I like to eat soups…I know I made one not that long ago, but when I feel sick, soups are great to get [...]
The tartine that works an appetite – Salmon tartine with a ginger, caper, mustard and herb dressing
615 years ago
La tartine qui met en appétit – Tartine de saumon au gingembre, câpres, et herbes mixtes
After a beautiful and sunny day, we are back to the grisaille, which literally translates to “greyness”, the good thing about this type of weather is that you can stay home and cook. hat would be the positive [...]
When you feel like crab again – Crab and shrimp cakes with tarragon and capers on a bed of spaghetti-shaped cucumber salad
1015 years ago
Quand on a encore envie de crabe – Croquettes de crabe et crevettes à l’estragon et câpres sur un lit de concombre spaghetti
Well it might no longer be crab season, but I have urges of a pregnant woman when it has to do with food. Anytime I see crab, I cannot help and buy some. I am a big [...]