Posts tagged Vegetables
Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
27 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]
Yams and Brussels sprouts napoleon with herbs and red bell pepper jam
27 years ago
Napoléon de yams et choux de Bruxelles, herbes et confiture de poivrons
Last time I was at my parents’ in France a few weeks ago, I saw this empty jar of a delicious red bell pepper jam I bought during a vacation in Seville. That certainly did bring up some beautiful memories. I remembered [...]
Weird translation – Vegetarian couscous with cauliflower “semoule”
07 years ago
traduction bizarre – couscous végétarien avec semoule de chou fleur
I just realized that I took the pictures and I forgot to add the chick peas…too late!
I love this dish, I wouldn’t have thought I would have loved it so much but the cauliflower “semoule” goes so well with it. There is a little [...]
Marinated tofu skewers, spaghetti squash with king oyster mushrooms, saute dandelion greens
08 years ago
Brochettes de tofu mariné, courge spaghetti aux pleurottes, et pissenlits sautés
Who said tofu is boring? When you start preparing it like you would prepare meat, it’s the same thing. Meat by itself is boring too in my opinion. The great thing about tofu is that it absorbs all the flavors it is [...]
Beet carpaccio with raspberries and raspberry vinegar dressing, goat yogurt herb sauce
08 years ago
Carpaccio de betteraves aux framboises et vinaigre de framboises, sauce yaourt grec, ail, citron et menthe
I love weekends, especially when I have enough time to explore new recipes and cook. That is my perfect weekend, and even more perfect when my experiments turn out delicious.
Strangely [...]
Zucchini three ways – Farro with zucchini, shiitake, peas, zucchini cream and marinated zucchini ribbons
08 years ago
Trio de courgettes – Épeautre aux courgettes, champignons shiitake, pois, crème de courgettes, et courgettes marinées
Today I am celebrating zucchini, this vegetable that is quite considered ordinary, with not a lot of character. It’s its day of glory (son jour de gloire) and it’s well deserved. [...]
Like in Kyoto – Daikon steak
08 years ago
Comme à Kyoto – Steak de Daikon
After a recent trip to Japan I came back with tons of recipes, ideas, inspirations, and a fascination for this wonderful country. Needless to say that for someone like me who spends most of her time cooking, and who loves to cook, Japan is the place to go. [...]
Saffron quinoa galettes with herbs, butternut squash purée
08 years ago
Galettes de quinoa au saffran et herbes, purée de courge butternut
I had some leftover saffron quinoa that I didn’t want to throw away but I didn’t want to eat either. Obviously the choices were limited…so I used the quinoa to make galettes. I figured it would be a nice balanced meal with a [...]
Lentils and carrot mash with roasted butternut squash and tahini sauce
09 years ago
Ecrasée de lentilles et carottes et courge butternut rôtie, sauce tahini
A clean and healthy meal to end the week…which I have to say has been kind and sweet. I am planning my trip to France with a few healthy recipes to bring along for my parents, and especially my mom who has diabetes. My [...]
It’s eatable – Sauté beet leaves with cumin, garlic and raisins
09 years ago
Ça se mange – Fanes de betteraves sautées au cumin, ail et raisins secs
This morning I went shopping and I had beets on the menu…as usual this store (which I am not going to mention) never has what I need, some days there are no leeks, no scallions or no basmati rice, or no won ton wrappers, [...]