Posts tagged wild mushrooms
Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
26 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]
Encore vegan – Jeanette of wild mushrooms, cauliflower and garlic-herb paste
07 years ago
Encore vegan – Jeanette tapissée aux herbes et garnie de champignons sauvages et choufleur
I am not sure how to call this…it’s not a pizza, not a tart, not a galette, and not sure it fits into the flat bread category. So I decided to call it a Jeanette. Jeanette is a female’s old fashioned name, [...]
Crumble of artichoke, yams and carrot purée, sauté kale and wild mushrooms
08 years ago
Crumble d’artichauts, purée de carottes et yams, chou vert sauté et champignons sauvages
It looks like artichokes are back, so hard to resist. This crumble is composed of five different kinds of vegetables that have a different kind of textures and colors. The more colors the better. I am not [...]
Fresh corn polenta, wild mushrooms sauce with herbs and truffle oil
Polenta con mais, sugo ai funghi e olio al tartufo
I had two corn cobs that I had no inspiration on how to prepare, so after going through Plenty the book of Yotam Ottolenghi, I came across an interesting idea…using fresh corn to make polenta. Why not? This intrigued me so I decided to use his [...]
For kids and grown ups – Cod hachis parmentier with wild mushrooms and sweet potatoes
011 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Pour les petits et les grands – Hachis parmentier de merlan aux champignons sauvages et patates douces
When talking about hachis parmentier, most French people think beef and potatoes which is the traditional dish. The English equivalent is “shepherd’s pie” (another version here). I like to keep [...]
Vincent and his “lait ribot” – Wild mushrooms, rutabagas quiche with farmer’s cheese and buttermilk
1413 years ago
Vincent et son lait Ribot – Quiche aux champignons sauvages, rutabagas, fromage frais et lait ribot
I made this post, essentially for Vincent (oui rien que pour toi!), our dear friend from Bretagne (Brittany) and originally from a small town of Malestroit who introduced me to lait ribot very [...]
A cure for migraine – Creamy herb polenta with sauté wild mushrooms and hot tomato coulis
3514 years ago
by silvia
in Vegetarian - dairy
Per curare l’emicrania – Polenta con parmigiano e rosmarino – funghi selvatici e passata piccante di pomodoro
After a gloomy weekend with a terrible migraine, that immobilized me for few days in bed, I decided that I wanted to start the week as best as I could, and of course, when you cannot [...]
Little time and a big hunger – Malloredus pasta with wild mushroom ragù
Poco tempo e tanta fame – Malloredus con sugo ai funghi di bosco
When you have no time for cooking, this would be a dish to consider…of course if you have some wild mushrooms handy, even better. I had those beautiful yellow chanterelles and oyster mushrooms in my refrigerator with so many ideas [...]
Can I have some polenta please? – Rosemary and parmesan polenta crostoni with spicy wild mushrooms and pancetta ragù
1215 years ago
Mi dai un pò di polenta per favore? – Crostoni di polenta al rosmarino e parmigiano con ragu piccante di funghi e pancetta – cavolo in padella
I have been wanting to make polenta for months now, I had this bag of polenta in my pantry, but did not have the other ingredients I needed to make what I [...]