Posts tagged yams

As good as it looks – Yams tartine with avocado mash, zucchini tagliatelle and edamame, grey lava salt
07 years ago
Aussi bon que ça en à l’air – Tartine de yam à l’avocat, tagliatelle de courgettes et edamame, sel gris de lave
Time flies and my trip back home is sadly over. As years go by, it’s more difficult to be far away from my friends and family, probably because as you grow older, you realize what the [...]

Yams and zucchini mille feuilles, sauté tofu steak, wild mushrooms and tomato fondue
08 years ago
Mille feuille de yams et courgettes aux herbes, steak de tofu sauté, fondue de tomates aux champignons sauvages
Today I had in mind to make something completely different for lunch. I have no idea why I ended up with this recipe. Mysteries of the brain. It certainly made my day. This is vegan, [...]

Crumble of artichoke, yams and carrot purée, sauté kale and wild mushrooms
08 years ago
Crumble d’artichauts, purée de carottes et yams, chou vert sauté et champignons sauvages
It looks like artichokes are back, so hard to resist. This crumble is composed of five different kinds of vegetables that have a different kind of textures and colors. The more colors the better. I am not [...]

Life is beautiful this way – Warm salad of curried roasted cauliflower, bell peppers and yams with lemon poppy seed vinaigrette
09 years ago
La vie est belle comme ça- Salade tiède chou fleur au curry, poivrons, et patate douce, vinaigrette au graines de pavot et citron
We can go simple with a few ingredients, and get a flavorful and nutritious salad. Plant based meals make me happy and in a good mood, as much as running does. So [...]

Rockfish in coconut sauce, roasted yams, sauté greens with chili, garlic and lemon zest
010 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Sébaste au lait de coco, patates douces grillées et pissenlits sautés à l’ail, piment, et zestes de citron
Hello 2015!
I cannot believe and still completely shocked to what happened to the country I grew up in, with the atrocious terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week. And yes “La [...]

Brick stuffed with curried vegetable, yogurt herb sauce
011 years ago
Bricks de légumes au curry, sauce yaourt aux herbes
I got inspired by Indian samosas when I made those. I felt like eating something spicy, salty, but not greasy and since I bought a few brick packs when I was in France, with an expiration date coming close, I figured let’s make something that [...]

Saute rapini, yams and carrot rösti, yogurt-cilantro dipping sauce
111 years ago
Brocoli rave sauté, galettes de patates douces et carottes, sauce au yaourt-coriandre
Going back to my favorite cuisine, vegetarian…I just love the vibrant colors of vegetables and their versatility, they’re too good to keep aside. In this dish, the bitterness of rapini and sweetness of yams [...]

Thank you Antoine – French vegetarian shepherd’s pie with mushrooms, taleggio and three purées
1513 years ago
Merci Antoine – Hachis parmentier végétarien aux champignons, taleggio et aux trois purées
In France Hachis parmentier is something eaten quite frequently and that kids love, due to its combination of potato puree and ground meet. My mom being Italian, she never really prepared this, but when I [...]