Posts tagged gazpacho

Simply Green – Green Gazpacho
1112 years ago
On se met au vert – Gazpacho vert
Since spring is officially here, my mood is officially looking for some light and fresh recipes, and what’s fresher than gazpacho? Cold soups are always wonderful for hot days, and nutritious too. I wanted to keep some of the flavors of a traditional gazpacho with [...]

An exotic gazpacho – Scallops with lychee gazpacho
2714 years ago
Un gazpacho exotique- St Jacques au gaspacho de litchis
A good friend of mine is half Basque, so one day, while browsing through her cookbooks, I found a very interesting book on Basque cuisine, written by Gerald Hirigoyen, an amazing Basque chef who owns a few restaurants in San Francisco, among [...]

Chilled soup to absolutely try – Watermelon and tomato gazpacho with goat cheese and basil
615 years ago
Soupe glacée à essayer absolument – Gaspacho de pastèque et tomates au chèvre et basilic
Una zuppa fredda da fare assolutamente – Gaspacho d’anguria con pomodori, formaggio di capra e basilico
If you like regular gazpacho, you’ll like this one too. I promise. At first, when I heard a friend had a [...]