Posts tagged Recipes

Snapper or not snapper ? – Red snapper kebabs with orange and olive vinaigrette on fennel fondue
1115 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Vous avez dit Vivaneau?- Brochettes de vivaneau grillé à la vinaigrette d’orange et olives sur fondue de fenouil
I went grocery shopping yesterday and again I went crazy with fish and seafood. I have always thought I knew what red snapper was in French…in my mind I had no doubt it was “rougets” [...]

Automn Leaves – Sunburst squash and leek soup with oregano and yogurt, warm roquefort tartine
Les feuilles mortes – velouté de potimarron et poireaux à l’origan et yaourt, tartine chaude de roquefort
I was listening to Yves Montand’s classic song “les Feuilles Mortes” translated by “Autumn Leaves” but it literally means “Dead Leaves” and it never fails, I get tears in my eyes…that song [...]

A taste from far away – Shrimps in a coconut colombo sauce on spiced vanilla basmati rice
815 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
A goût qui vient de loin – Crevettes sauce colombo et noix de coco sur riz Basmati épicé à la vanille
The first interesting part of this dish is the rice…yes indeed. An Indian friend of mine who arrived straight from Cochin used to prepare this type of rice and I loved its subtle fragrance. So [...]

Just for fun – Zucchini flans with olives, feta and mint in a heirloom tomato vinaigrette
1215 years ago
Juste pour s’amuser – Flan de courgettes, aux olives, feta et menthe à la vinaigrette de tomates anciennes
You can make those just for the fun of it because they’re so easy and quick to make. Those cute flans have been always a favorite of mine and whoever tried them too. They are addictive and [...]

I ate all the fishes in the ocean – Mahi mahi fillet and candied lemon with cardamom on saffron rice with wilted dandelions
615 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
J’ai mangé tous les poissons de l’océan – Filets de mahi mahi au citron confit et à la cardamome sur riz saffrané et pissenlits sautés
The funny thing is that if you look at the picture, you wouldn’t have any clue that under the rice, there is a layer of beautiful wilted dandelions. Even through [...]

Are there still fishes in the sea? – Salmon tart with spinach, onions and dill on a black sesame seeds, chili and herb crust
915 years ago
Y a t-il encore des poissons dans la mer? – Tarte au saumon, épinards, onions et aneth avec pâte au sésame, piment et herbes
I love my rectangular molds and think I haven’t used them that much, so I need to place them somewhere I can see them, otherwise I tend to forget I have them. What a shame. [...]

That’s not for Pépito! – Green tea, coconut, and almond bouchées
1615 years ago
Ca, ce n’est pas pour Pépito! – Bouchées au thé vert matcha, à la noix de coco et poudre d’amandes
I just adopted the most adorable white parakeet and named him Pépito (named after some chocolate cookies in France when I was growing up called Pépito, they were cookies covered with milk chocolate [...]

Vegetables inside and out – Carrot tagliolini with zucchini-walnut pesto
615 years ago
Verdura fuori e dentro – Tagliolini di carote con pesto alle zucchine e noci
More on the homemade vegetable pasta chapter… I am in my Italian cooking phase, I left French food aside and going back to my roots. Playing with pasta is a lot of fun. I love making homemade pasta, and having my hands [...]

A close cousin has just arrived – Whole wheat orzotto with shrimps, sea scallops, fennel, radicchio and herbs
315 years ago
Un cugino è appena arrivato – Risoni integrali con gamberi, cappesante, finocchio, radicchio ed erbette
Orzo in the US, is that tiny pasta shape like a bird’s tongue, orzo in Italian means barley, so when I just arrived to the US, I got confused. Now since I am in the US, I will try to use [...]

A few mousses in a layer or two – Mascarpone mousse with raspberries and strawberry coulis imitation tiramisù
Delizio in un bicchiere – Mousse di Mascarpone con lamponi e coulis di fragole alla Tiramisù
At this time of the year, I am either in Italy or France with my family and right now I tend to get nostalgic…it’s cold, foggy and windy in San Francisco, and I wish I were home. When I get homesick, I [...]