Archive for April, 2017

East-West – Zucchini and daikon carpaccio with roasted tomatoes and tarrragon coulis
07 years ago
Carpaccio de courgettes et daikon au coulis de tomates grillées et estragon
I was not sure how this would end up, and did not know if it was worth posting. The funny thing, is that I finished making the carpaccio, and thought let’s not go through the posting process, of writing and editing [...]

Encore vegan – Jeanette of wild mushrooms, cauliflower and garlic-herb paste
07 years ago
Encore vegan – Jeanette tapissée aux herbes et garnie de champignons sauvages et choufleur
I am not sure how to call this…it’s not a pizza, not a tart, not a galette, and not sure it fits into the flat bread category. So I decided to call it a Jeanette. Jeanette is a female’s old fashioned name, [...]