

The sandwich for uncomplicated people – Spicy chicken herb patty sandwich

Le sandwich pour les gens pas compliqués – Sandwich aux boulettes de poulet épicé et herbes One day I was challenged and told that I am incapable to do simple things, all I do is complicated (maybe that matches my complicated mind as well, since I am known to be une fille assez compliquée!) so I [...]

That little red spice – Grilled chicken sumac

La petite épice rouge – Aiguillettes de poulet grillé au sumac I  don’t cook with sumac very often but when I do, I make this dish and it’s been quite popular among chicken lovers. Sumac is a wonderful Middle Eastern spice, it enhances the flavor of the dish without altering its taste. Sumac is a [...]

No I did not miss you – Roasted chicken thighs with lemon, herbs, olives and sunburst squash

Non, tu ne m’as pas manqué -  Cuisses de poulet rôties aux herbes, citron et olives à la courge Since I don’t really eat meat, I know my blog lacks meat recipes, I figured that when I cook for some non-vegetarian people who do eat meat, I take the opportunity for putting up the recipe on the blog. [...]

Just a little plate and that’s it!- Spicy chicken balls in curry coconut milk and minty green beans

Un petit plat et c’est tout! – boulettes de poulet épicées au lait de coco et curry, haricots verts à la menthe In France we say that to stay thin, you cannot have more than one serving and we believe that if you can resist temptation, and only go for the first round, you will stay thin and [...]

C'est si bon… – Asparagus flan, sesame-thyme chicken and herb coulis

C’est si bon… – Flan d’asperges, poulet pané au sésame et thym, coulis d’herbes I haven’t posted anything lately…I was tired and sick for about a week, let’s not pretend the San Francisco summer weather has nothing to do with it. It’s been muggy, foggy and obviously very gloomy, and that really [...]

When you think you ran out of ideas – sauté spicy beef with carrots

Quand on pense qu’on n’a plus d’idées – Emincé de boeuf épicé aux carottes  I somehow like the combination of beef and carrots, the sweetness of the carrots blends quite well with the beef nutty taste, not that I am a big fan of beef nor any other meats but I don’t want to limit myself to cook [...]

Why not for Easter? – Duck terrine with pistachios and cognac with fig chutney

Et pourquoi pas pour Pâques? Terrine de canard aux pistaches et cognac à la compote de figues Being far away from my family, I wanted to have a traditional Easter lunch party, so as every year I invited some friends to celebrate Easter. Not that I am that religious but I think when you are far [...]

Back to traditions – Cumin and garlic marinated grilled lamb shanks with saute flageolets

De retour au traditions – Petites côtes d’agneau grillé mariné à l’ail et cumin et flageolets I never bought flageolets beans in the US, last time I ate flageolet was in France. Flageolet are kidney beans that are not fully grown, so they have a nice light green color. They go wonderfully with [...]

Chicken breasts stuffed with pancetta, olives and herbs, root vegetable sauté and lavender salt

Escalopes de poulet farcies à la pancetta, olives et herbes, sauce moutarde légumes racines sautés au sel de lavande Chicken and pancetta are good friends…they make wonderful combinations. These delicious roulades are not really related to the Italian saltimbocca. Actually I started with the idea [...]

The well spiced bowl – Beef chermoula with rice noodles

Un petit bol bien épicé - Chermoula de boeuf aux nouilles de riz sautées I love spices and all of them, and chermoula combines all my favorite herbs and spices, it’s an herb and spice mixture quite used in arabic countries mostly in what we call Maghreb which is comprised of Tunisia, Morocco and [...]
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