Misc recipes

Weird translation – Vegetarian couscous with cauliflower “semoule”
07 years ago
traduction bizarre – couscous végétarien avec semoule de chou fleur
I just realized that I took the pictures and I forgot to add the chick peas…too late!
I love this dish, I wouldn’t have thought I would have loved it so much but the cauliflower “semoule” goes so well with it. There is a little [...]

Carrots, carrots and more carrots – Black lentils on carrot purée, roasted carrots, shave carrots and fried leeks
08 years ago
Carottes et encore des carottes – Lentilles noires sur purée de carotte, carottes rôties, et poireaux frits
If you are a carrot fan, this is your dish.
After my wonderful trip to Portland, I came back very inspired. This is a Portland inspired dish, that I ate at Coquine restaurant. Basically, [...]

Edamame and mung bean fettucine with cabbage, peas and shrimps
08 years ago
Fettucine di edamame e fagioli mungo, cavolo, piselli e gamberi
Today I had to battle my demons, and stop obsessing about some terrible thing that happened recently, so I decided to try anything I could, and went for a long run. It did help somehow. After a few hours of running in circles, I [...]

Fabulous almonds – Homemade almond milk
011 years ago
Lait d’amandes maison
I have always wanted to make my own almond milk, but I thought it would be too difficult to make a good one, so I left that project on the side, thinking oh well, maybe one day.
Recently, I have been particularly interested in almonds and their nutritional benefits, eating [...]

The real thing – Mascarpone
211 years ago
Usually I would never think of making cheese, because in my mind, it was something too complicated, something only cheese makers knew how to do.
This changed my mind. Living in the US, it’s sometimes difficult to find imported cheeses, such as mascarpone. In the past, stores like [...]