Posts tagged pain d'epices

Birthday treat – Verrines of pain d’épices, peach compote and fromage blanc mousse
Gourmandise pour un anniversaire – Verrines de pain d’épices, compote de pêches et mousse au fromage blanc
Another year is going by, who likes getting older? I don’t and people who say they do, I am not sure they really mean it…yesterday was my birthday and I got up with a massive headache! So I [...]

The sweet taste of childhood – Pain d’épices or Spicy bread
Douce sensation d’enfance – Pain d’épices
I decided out of the blue one day to make pain d’épices…I think last time I had one slice I must have been 10 years old. What is pain d’épices? Well it’s another one of those traditional French breads or cake that is popular in Alsace region. It’s [...]