Posts tagged cake

Banana cake with oats and oat brans
08 years ago
Quand on a envie de banane! – Cake à la banane et flocons d’avoine
I think I am getting into a “oat phase” these days. I try to put oats and oat bran wherever I can. Oat bran, oat flour, rolled oats, anything oat makes me happy, besides I love my fibers. I had bought too many bananas (I forgot I [...]

Low calories and low sugar mini chocolate cakes with cocoa nibs and almonds
09 years ago
Petits gâteaux à faibles calories, au chocolat, amandes et fèves de cacao
More sweets!!!!….for someone who doesn’t eat sweets, two posts in a row with cakes sounds like too much.
The thing is I am planning on a trip to France to visit my family next month, and my mom being diabetic, I am [...]

Gluten free almond cake
010 years ago
Gâteau aux amandes sans gluten
I have been playing around with this recipe for a while, changing quantities and I finally managed to like this version which is moist and soft.
I am not necessarily pro or against gluten. I think if people have problems with it, then it should be removed from one’s [...]

Fabulous almonds, part 2 – Almond cake
111 years ago
Merveilleuses amandes, deuxième partie – Délicieux gâteau aux amandes
I love this cake, I love it even more because I used the almond pulp that was left while making almond milk. So there is no waste in the process.
In France in January we celebrate Epiphany, and we eat the traditional Kings cake [...]

The sweet taste of childhood – Pain d’épices or Spicy bread
Douce sensation d’enfance – Pain d’épices
I decided out of the blue one day to make pain d’épices…I think last time I had one slice I must have been 10 years old. What is pain d’épices? Well it’s another one of those traditional French breads or cake that is popular in Alsace region. It’s [...]

Nancy’s flavor – Wet bergamot cake
Le parfum de Nancy – Gâteau mouillé à la begamote
This is the second cake I made with bergamot, simply because they’re hard to find. When I come back from Nancy (my hometown), I arrive in San Francisco with a head and mouth full of local flavors, and what most traditional than bergamot flavor? Les [...]

To make traditions live – Chocolate cake from Metz
Pour faire vivre les traditions – Gâteau au chocolat de Metz
I doubt that anyone living in the US knows the city of Metz (pronounced Mess, even the majority of French people pronounce the “T” which is incorrect)…I know it because I went to school there and it’s located 50 km from Nancy where I [...]

My first American cake – Carrot and walnut cake with cardamom
Mon premier gâteau americain – Gâteau aux carottes, noix et cardamome
This is an odd and very bright picture of the cake but I have so much light under my window with direct sun light to the table, that could not manage to shoot with a more subtle lighting. The picture is incredibly bright, you [...]

A thought for my best friend – Cake of the crumb fairy for Chantal
Pensée pour ma meilleure amie – Gâteau de la fée aux miettes pour Chantal
I woke up this morning with a text message from my best friend in France, Chantal. Her message was “Impossible de t’appeler pour l’instant – Pense a toi – Ta Bichette qui t’aime” literally translated by “Cannot call you [...]

Simply orange – Orange cake with poppy seeds, blossom orange water and candied oranges
1115 years ago
Orange tout simplement – Gâteau à l’orange aux graines de pavot, oranges confites et eau de fleur d’oranger
Some days you just feel like a particular item no matter what…after a migraine from hell I had yesterday (seriously the worse migraine I had in my whole life), I was thinking to go to the [...]