Side Dish


Extra green dinner for hot summer nights – Zucchini tagliatelle and edamame with ginger and sesame

Diner extra vert pour les chaudes soirées d’été – Tagliatelles de courgettes et edamame au gingembre et sésame Summer is around the corner and we just want more greens and lighter meals for those hot summer nights…I don’t know if you’re like me, but during summer I mainly eat salads, fruits and [...]

Caponata, we know it’s you – An eggplant caponata a little different

Caponata, lo sappiamo che sei tu – Una Caponata un pò diversa Caponata is very ancient recipe, it’s a typical Sicilian dish with eggplants, onions, celeri, capers, tomatoes, olives. The eggplants are traditionally fried and the whole dish is sweet and sour due to the sugar/vinegar mixture. [...]

Not that plain – Taboule with pistachios, cranberries and mint on grilled portobello

Pas si nature que ca – Taboule aux pistaches, airelles et menthe sur portobello grillé I made this taboule as an accompaniment to a Tagine, so why not stuff some portobello with it.  I used portobellos just because I bought  five of them for a dinner party, and I ended up not preparing them, so [...]

Pink and pinkier – Red lentils and carrot purée with almond milk, ginger and spices

Rose et plus rose encore – Purée de lentilles corail et carottes épicee au lait d’amandes et gingembre Deliciously smooth…I wanted to try making a purée with almond milk, which is lighter than coconut milk, and the light version has only 40 calories per serving. I found the regular almond milk to [...]

Let's play with soy – Curried soy bean patties with vegetables and hot avocado and tomato salsa

Amusons-nous un peu avec le soja – galettes de soja-curry et légumes avec salsa piquante Soy beans are like any other beans, when dried, they need to soak in water overnight. Then they can be prepared they way you like, in salads, as a side dish, in soups or substitute to the other beans. They’re [...]

Fresh and light – Steamed broccoflower with grilled baby potatoes and roasted pepper vinaigrette

Frais et léger – romanesco vapeur, pomme ratte grillées et vinaigrette de poivrons grillés aux herbes. This is a little unusual salad, but quite intersting in terms of flavors and texture, I like it lukewarm or cold but not hot. The heat will alter the vinaigrette flavors. This is green [...]

A quick stop in Italy – Zucchini polpette with green olives and parmesan cheese

Un salto in Italia – Polpette di zucchine con olive e parmigiano Now I have been a little nostalgic, my parents are in their house in Italy and I have been dreaming of the wonderful food they are being exposed to, especially the amazing seafood and vegetable dishes. I grew up eating meat [...]

Tofu is back from Cairo – Curried tofu pyramids with broccoli and mushrooms

Le tofu est revenu du Caire – Pyramides de tofu au curry avec broccoli et champignons Those little tofu pyramids are not only adorable, but also delicious…tofu can be unappealing for some people, it is certainly bland as an ingredient, but when slightly spiced up with herbs and spices, it’s simply [...]
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