Posts tagged Alain Ducasse

The well dressed shrimps – Shrimps wrapped in soba with pomegranate chili dipping sauce
2714 years ago
Les crevettes bien habillées – Crevettes enroulées de nouilles soba et sauce pimentée à la grenade
Well here I am again with shrimps…when we cook we all find our inspiration from different sources, it can be our moms, grandmothers, books, chefs, travels, anything. For this particular recipe, I [...]

Guest post – Green tea soba noodles with baby octopus, sundried tomatoes, seaweed and olives
1214 years ago
Guest post – Soba au thé vert avec petits poulpes, tomates séchées, algues et olives
One of the greatest gentleman in the food blogsphere, Lazaro Bernal form Lazaro Cooks kindly requested me if I could guest post on his blog. Of course, I accepted with great enthusiasm and excitement. I think [...]

One more thanks to Alain Ducasse – Cod with herb-butter, shiitake and tomato concassée
1015 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Merci encore à Alain Ducasse – Cabillaud en beurre d’herbes, shiitake et concassée de tomates
This recipe has been adapted from an Alain Ducasse‘s recipe, one of my favorite chefs…yes I know I keep repeating this and will do so anytime I prepare something from his kitchen, because I am such a huge [...]