Posts tagged chili

The well dressed shrimps – Shrimps wrapped in soba with pomegranate chili dipping sauce
2714 years ago
Les crevettes bien habillées – Crevettes enroulées de nouilles soba et sauce pimentée à la grenade
Well here I am again with shrimps…when we cook we all find our inspiration from different sources, it can be our moms, grandmothers, books, chefs, travels, anything. For this particular recipe, I [...]

Seafood obsession part III – Spicy mussels and clams with leeks, beer, chili and herbs
414 years ago
A la pêche aux moules….- Moules et praires aux poireaux, bière, piment et herbes
A la pêche aux moules, moules, moules, je ne veux plus y aller maman, les gens de la ville, ville, ville, m’ont pris mon panier… despite mon panier, I still want to go mussel fishing!
I am afraid I cannot stop [...]

The naked ravioli – Malfatti “gratinés” in a spicy tomato sauce
I ravioli nudi – Malfatti gratinati con salsina di pomodoro
After this Thanksgiving celebration, it’s good to go back to a healthier kind of cuisine. The turkey ended up so dry, due to a guest arriving over an hour late, and my new oven with circular heat that cooks three times faster than [...]

In the world of vegetable galettes – Zucchini galettes with feta, chili and thyme
1715 years ago
On ne se lasse pas des galettes de légumes – Galettes de courgettes à la feta, piment et thym
I have been thinking lately about Thanksgiving menu and I am not sure what to make yet. Last year was mainly a “French” Thanksgiving with of course a Turkey but prepared the French way since the guests [...]