Posts tagged green tea


Poached black plums in a spicy mint and verbena tea syrup

Prunes pochées dans un sirop épicé de thé à la menthe-verveine This post has been long overdue…I made those plums in fall, so when they were in season, then never got the chance to post it. With my trip to France and work schedule, everything got delayed and now it’s November and the plums are [...]

That’s not for Pépito! – Green tea, coconut, and almond bouchées

Ca, ce n’est pas pour Pépito! – Bouchées au thé vert matcha, à la noix de coco et poudre d’amandes I just adopted the most adorable white parakeet and named him Pépito (named after some chocolate cookies in France when I was growing up called Pépito, they were cookies covered with milk chocolate [...]
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