Posts tagged coconut

Grilled tofu and eggplant, brown rice noodles, sauté wild mushrooms, coconut curry émulsion, crispy dulse seaweed
Tofu et aubergines grillées, nouilles de riz brun, champignons sauvages, sauce coco curry
I am going back to my phase of vegan cuisine. Once in a while I just want to eat plants only, it makes me happy. I usually do have an 85% plant based diet, but I want to be 100% plant based for a couple of [...]

Coconut quinoa flans with mango, rum and mint salad
09 years ago
Pudding de quinoa à la noix de coco et salade de mangues à la menthe et rhum
I had a lot of fun this weekend, playing in my kitchen. I love to spend time trying out new recipes and exploring new ideas. Unfortunately it does not happen as often as I’d like due to lack of time, and trying to [...]

So coconut – Coconut mini cakes
09 years ago
Si noix de coco – Mini gâteaux tout noix de coco
Spring is here and I am just excited about a new season coming. I love spring, except for the allergies due to pollen. Hopefully this year will be mild allergy season.
One of the simple things that make me happy in life is eating coconut ice [...]

Rockfish in coconut sauce, roasted yams, sauté greens with chili, garlic and lemon zest
010 years ago
by silvia
in Fish/Seafood
Sébaste au lait de coco, patates douces grillées et pissenlits sautés à l’ail, piment, et zestes de citron
Hello 2015!
I cannot believe and still completely shocked to what happened to the country I grew up in, with the atrocious terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris last week. And yes “La [...]

Brick stuffed with mango-peaches, lemon and lavender – coconut ice cream
Brick à la pêche-mangue, lavande et citron - glace à la noix de coco et pistaches
I still have brick sheets that I brought back from France last May and need to use them, the expiration date is coming close, so here is a delightful fruity dessert that lightened up my Sunday. I treat myself as [...]

Breakfast and lunch – Chia pudding with coconut, pistachios and banana
110 years ago
Petit-déjeûner et déjeûner – Puddng de graines de chia à la noix de coco, pistaches et bananes
Since chia is all over the place, and that everyone is talking about it in the nutrition world as a miracle little seed, I decided to try it out too. I used to sprinkle it on top of yogurt or fruits, but [...]

Best friends – Banana, chocolate and coconut rolls
010 years ago
Meilleurs amis – Rouleaux de brick à la banane, chocolat, noix de coco et pistaches
Quel est le meilleur ami de la banane si ce n’est que le chocolat? What’s banana’s best friend other than chocolate? During my trip to France, I brought back some brick sheets. Here is some more info on those [...]

Almost on the islands – Shrimps on roasted sweet potatoes and wilted spinach with vanilla lime sauce
111 years ago
Presque sur les îles – Crevettes sur lit de patates douces grillées et épinards, sauce vanille, citron vert et lait de coco
It’s seems like a long time since I prepared a savory dish with coconut or vanilla, but lately I have been thinking about vanilla and spices, so I guess I am ready to take a [...]

Life is a coconut – Coconut rice balls stuffed with shrimps, zucchini and lemongrass
212 years ago
La vie est une noix de coco – Boulettes de riz à la noix de coco farcies aux crevettes, courgettes et citronnelle
Yes, life is a coconut, after the hard work of breaking the shell, you get the good stuff – I am on a coconut craze lately, and I make everyone around me eat coconut. It’s delicious in [...]

Sunday treat – Vegan coconut-banana mini cakes for a fancy breakfast
813 years ago
Plaisir du dimanche – Gâteau végan à la banane et noix de coco pour un petit déjeûner gourmand
I have always wanted to try to bake a vegan cake that tasted like a non-vegan cake, the great news is that this one tastes better than a non-vegan cake made with eggs and butter. This cake is so moist [...]