Posts tagged vanilla

Poached black plums in a spicy mint and verbena tea syrup
09 years ago
Prunes pochées dans un sirop épicé de thé à la menthe-verveine
This post has been long overdue…I made those plums in fall, so when they were in season, then never got the chance to post it. With my trip to France and work schedule, everything got delayed and now it’s November and the plums are [...]

Quinoa pudding with raisins and pineapple-mint salsa
011 years ago
Quinoa façon riz au lait aux raisins secs et salsa d’ananas à la menthe
That is one is now one of my new favorite desserts. I have a few favorite desserts despite my non sweet tooth, and this one certainly is on the list.
I was skeptical before starting this recipe, I thought the quinoa flavor [...]

The soup we like, a little, a lot, passionately, …. – Plantain and mango soup with vanilla and rum
111 years ago
La soupe qu’on aime, un peu, beaucoup, passionnément, …. – Soupe de banane plantain et mangues à la vanille et rhum
One recipe adapted from “La Bonne Cuisine Végétarienne de Babette” with a creole inspiration. Who doesn’t like rum, vanilla and orange juice? I have never really cooked plantains [...]

Almost on the islands – Shrimps on roasted sweet potatoes and wilted spinach with vanilla lime sauce
111 years ago
Presque sur les îles – Crevettes sur lit de patates douces grillées et épinards, sauce vanille, citron vert et lait de coco
It’s seems like a long time since I prepared a savory dish with coconut or vanilla, but lately I have been thinking about vanilla and spices, so I guess I am ready to take a [...]

Simple and traditional – Semolina flans with caramel
Simple et traditionnel – Flans de semoule au caramel
Some people call this gâteau, it’s more like a flan to me than a cake, no matter how you call it, this is a very traditional French dessert. It took me a while to find coarse semolina and even thought of bringing it back from France at some [...]

In season – Apricot and rosemary tart
De saison – Tarte à l’abricot et romarin
I love summer, partly because I can eat peaches and apricots sans limites! My two favorites fruits are in season, and I only wait for summer to come, just to indulge in juicy peaches, nectarines, and apricots.
My friend Simon in France asked me why I was [...]

A thief in the kitchen – Mini vanilla polenta cake with rum roasted peach
Un voleur dans la cuisine – Mini gâteaux de polenta à la vanille et pêches rôties au rhum
Who said that polenta only needs to be eaten in savory dishes? I was so excited about this dessert, that I have been thinking about it for days. Let’s also enjoy the peaches while they last, soon they’ll no [...]

Peach folie – Peach-mint soup and peach-rosemary bouchées
Folie de pêches – Soupe pêches-menthe et bouchées pêches-romarin
This is only for those days you have a lot of peaches in your kitchen, lots of mint in your garden and a huge desire to eat peaches…berries and peaches are some of the fruits I don’t get tired of eating. When my Greek grocer next [...]

As chic as a Chanel dress – Sea scallop on green apple with vanilla oil
3014 years ago
Aussi chic qu’une robe Chanel – St jacques à la pomme verte et huile de vanille
I have been obsessing about this green apple/scallop combination for weeks, and could not come up with something that I would be excited about. Raw apple? cooked apple? diced? sliced? not sure how I wanted to make it [...]

White smoothness in a jar – Fig-Vanilla and Apple-Kiwi yogurts
1115 years ago
Douceurs blanches dans un pot – Yaourts Figues-Vanille et Pomme-Kiwi
I have been back to the US since last Friday and one thing that I already start missing is the yogurt. If you haven’t tried homemade yogurts, you haven’t tasted the goodness of what a real yogurt can be. I have always been [...]