Posts tagged shitakee


Can I have some polenta please? – Rosemary and parmesan polenta crostoni with spicy wild mushrooms and pancetta ragù

Mi dai un pò di polenta per favore? – Crostoni di polenta al rosmarino e parmigiano con ragu piccante di funghi e pancetta – cavolo in padella I have been wanting to make polenta for months now, I had this bag of polenta in my pantry, but did not have the other ingredients I needed to make what I [...]

Complete meal in a bowl – Spicy salmon balls with coconut rice, shitakee and ginger scallion dipping sauce

Repas complet dans un bol – Boulettes épicées de saumon avec riz à la noix de coco et shitakee, sauce gingembre et oignon vert A good Cambodian friend from High school taught me how to cook a perfect rice in term of rice/water quantity if you don’t want to use a measuring cup and if you don’t [...]
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