Posts tagged spirulina pasta


Taste from the ocean – Spirulina and farro-buckwheat tagliatelle with octopus stew

Un sapore di mare – Tagliatelle con spirulina al farro e saraceno, ragù di polpo   I have been thinking about this pasta for a while now…sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and I think about some new recipes, and this one has been occupying my mind lately. I love colors everywhere, and [...]

The great seaweed – Spirulina tagliatelle with vegetables, shiitake, shrimps and sea spaghetti

Tagliatelles à la spiruline aux légumes, shiitake, spaghetti de mer et crevettes I have been quite excited today, I managed to prepare this colorful pasta dish and my parents really liked it. I was not expecting such a reaction from two traditional Italians eating a pasta dish that has nothing to [...]
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