Posts tagged carrots

Roasted celeriac with mung beans forestière fricassée and tarragon oil
27 years ago
Céleri-rave rôti, fricassée forestière de haricot mungo et huile d’estragon
I have been neglecting my blog recently, and I feel I should refocus my attention on it. I guess not having too much time is the reason, but maybe because as we say “j’ai la tête ailleurs” (I have my head somewhere [...]

Carrots, carrots and more carrots – Black lentils on carrot purée, roasted carrots, shave carrots and fried leeks
08 years ago
Carottes et encore des carottes – Lentilles noires sur purée de carotte, carottes rôties, et poireaux frits
If you are a carrot fan, this is your dish.
After my wonderful trip to Portland, I came back very inspired. This is a Portland inspired dish, that I ate at Coquine restaurant. Basically, [...]

Crumble of artichoke, yams and carrot purée, sauté kale and wild mushrooms
08 years ago
Crumble d’artichauts, purée de carottes et yams, chou vert sauté et champignons sauvages
It looks like artichokes are back, so hard to resist. This crumble is composed of five different kinds of vegetables that have a different kind of textures and colors. The more colors the better. I am not [...]

Mediterranean tofu cakes with warm roasted pepper, eggplant salad and green olive tapenade
18 years ago
Galettes Mediterranéennes de tofu, salade tiède de poivrons et aubergines grillés, tapenade d’olives vertes
Originally, I had something else in mind, I wanted to use this tofu as the stuffing of some filo dough triangles. Unfortunately, sometimes things change…since I had no filo dough in my [...]

Saffron quinoa galettes with herbs, butternut squash purée
08 years ago
Galettes de quinoa au saffran et herbes, purée de courge butternut
I had some leftover saffron quinoa that I didn’t want to throw away but I didn’t want to eat either. Obviously the choices were limited…so I used the quinoa to make galettes. I figured it would be a nice balanced meal with a [...]

Salmon à l’unilatérale, cauliflower purée and warm Moroccan carrot salad
09 years ago
Saumon à l’unilatérale, purée de chou fleur, et salade tiède de carottes à la marocaine
This is a very easy and simple dish, fast to make, less than 30 minutes, and light. It’s one of those dishes I prepare when I have little time but still want to feel nourished. It would fit in the “fast [...]

Lentils and carrot mash with roasted butternut squash and tahini sauce
09 years ago
Ecrasée de lentilles et carottes et courge butternut rôtie, sauce tahini
A clean and healthy meal to end the week…which I have to say has been kind and sweet. I am planning my trip to France with a few healthy recipes to bring along for my parents, and especially my mom who has diabetes. My [...]

Croquettes or galettes? – Cod croquettes, with carrots ribbons and yogurt-capers sauce
010 years ago
Croquettes ou galettes? – Croquettes de cabillaud, tagliatelles de carottes et sauce yaourt câpres-moutarde
I could not decide on what to call those…either croquettes or galettes which in the French culinary world mean slightly different things. Croquette come from the verb “croquer” which means [...]

Raw and crunchy – Golden beet salad, hearts of palm and edamame with poached egg, cilantro raspberry vinaigrette
110 years ago
Cru et croquant – Salade de betteraves crues, coeurs de palmiers et edamame, vinaigrette coriandre-framboise
I usually eat my beets cooked. This time I decided to eat them raw and grate them, like you would do with carrots. They’re equally delicious, and thinking about it, prefer them raw, their [...]

Brick stuffed with curried vegetable, yogurt herb sauce
011 years ago
Bricks de légumes au curry, sauce yaourt aux herbes
I got inspired by Indian samosas when I made those. I felt like eating something spicy, salty, but not greasy and since I bought a few brick packs when I was in France, with an expiration date coming close, I figured let’s make something that [...]